Knee Osteoarthritis
The Valgus and Varus tests Knee range of motion Effusion Crepitus
These tests check the medial and lateral collateral ligaments.mediallateral In these tests, while you lie on the examining table, your doctor places one hand on your knee joint and the other on your ankle and moves your leg side-to-side.
X-ray of Genu Varus of The Knees
the anatomical position as zero degrees Knee flexion Knee extension 120-0
The timing and amount of joint effusion are important clues to the diagnosis. Rapid onset (within two hours) of a large, tense effusion suggests rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament or fracture of the tibial plateau with resultant hemarthrosis, whereas slower onset (24 to 36 hours) of a mild to moderate effusion is consistent with meniscal injury or ligamentous sprain.
55 yrs old lady