Minister of transport of the Republic of Tajikistan Khayrullo Asozoda 27/10/2014 1
28 realized projects by total amount of 1.37 billion US dollars 2
Participation of Tajik citizens in realization of projects 3
Investment chart in USD 536,0 млн 1 037,6 млн 4
1700 km of international roads Hundred bridges 31 km of tunnel and avalanche galleries Works done under the projects: 5
Investments for projects (16 projects) 6
400 km roads More than 50 bridges will be operated Outcome of 16 ongoing projects : 7
Projects to be realized by the end of Shagon-Zighar road construction Phase 3 2. Construction of new passenger terminal at Dushanbe international airport 3. Road maintenance equipment and machinery supply 4. Feasibility study of Labi Jar-Tavildara road 5. Rehabilitation of Dusahnbe –Dangara Phase 3, Dangara- Kangurt 8
Tursunzoda Kyrgyz border Murghab Khujand Kulma Rasht Panji Poyon Khavast International roads 9
Donor countries cooperation 10
Cooperation with Financial Institutionas 11 Asian Development Bank Islamic Development Bank European Bank of reconstruction and Development Kuwait Fund of Arab Economic Development Abu Dhabi Fund Saudi Development Fund Aga Khan Foundation
12 Investment funds of Islamic Banks (million USD)
Tursunzade Kyrgyz border Murgab Khujand Kulma Rasht Panji Poyon Khavast Asian highway (AH) 13
Tursunzoda Kyrgyz border Khujand Kulma Рашт Panji Poyon Khavast Murgab 14
International transport 16
Роҳи оҳани Ваҳдат-Ёвон 17
CIVIL AVIATION SECTOR Душанбе- Санкт-Петербург Душанбе- МоскваДушанбе- Екатеринбург Душанбе- Новосибирск Душанбе- САМАРА Душанбе- Сочи Душанбе- Оренбург Душанбе- Иркутск Душанбе- Тюмень Душанбе- Сургут Душанбе- Нижневартовск Душанбе- Красноярск Душанбе- Франкфурт Душанбе- Дели Душанбе- Киев Душанбе- Алматы Душанбе- Бишкек Душанбе- Дубай Душанбе- Шарҷа Душанбе- Машҳад Душанбе- Истамбул Душанбе- Урумчи Хуҷанд- Москва Хуҷанд- Екатеринбург Хуҷанд- Санкт-Петербург Хуҷанд- НовосибирскХуҷанд- САМАРАХуҷанд- ОренбургХуҷанд- Иркутск Хуҷанд- Тюмень Хуҷанд- СургутХуҷанд- Нижневартовск Хуҷанд- Красноярск Хуҷанд- Урумчи Кӯлоб-Москва Кӯлоб-Санкт-Петербург Қурғонтеппа-Москва 19
Disbursement of funds for road maintenance and capital construction Parameter 9month of 2013, million TJS 9-months of 2014, million TJS Difference (+,-) Capital construction7,810,0+2,2 State budget allocation for maintenance and repair 45,351,7+6,4 Local budget allocations4,25,6+1,4+1,4 Private sector investments3,227,3+24,1 20
State budget investment (million TJS) 18,1 34,0 57,3 21
22 Work acceptance according to quality parametres
Priority projects 23 Construction of Kulyab-Kalaikhum, road Kulyab –Shurabad section Construction of Kulyab-Kalaikhum road, Shkev-Kalaikhum section Rehabilitaion pf Guliston-Farkhor-Panj-Dusti road Rehabilitation and reconstruction of Rumi (Kalkhazabad) – Qabodiyon – Shahritus – Ayvaj- Mazori Sharif Rehabilitation of Bekobod-Khujand-Konibodom-Isfara-Kyrgyz border Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Turkmenistan railway construction Rumi (Kolkhozabad)-Panji Poyon-Qunduz railway construction