Deep Impact FRRJan. 8, 2005Page 1 Deep Impact Overview/Status Flight Readiness Review January 8, 2005 Rick Grammier Project Manager
Deep Impact FRRJan. 8, 2005Page 2 Project Overview Salient Features Deliver a 370 kg impactor at 10 km/s to open the interior of a comet nucleus. Target is Comet P/Tempel 1. Impactor produces crater dependent on comet porosity and strength. Flyby spacecraft observes impact, crater development, ejecta and final crater with visible and IR multi-spectral instruments. On-board autonomous optical navigation used for precise targeting and control of impactor and fly-by spacecraft. 6 month mission duration. Launch: Jan 12, 2004 Encounter: July 4, Science To determine the differences between the interior of a cometary nucleus and its surface. Determine basic cometary properties by observing how the crater forms after impact. To identify materials in the pristine comet interior by measuring the composition of the ejecta from the comet crater. Determine the changes in natural outgassing of the comet produced by the impact. To help discover whether comets lose their ice, or seal it in over time (evidence for dormancy vs. extinction). Address terrestrial hazard from cometary impacts.
Deep Impact FRRJan. 8, 2005Page 3 Interplanetary Trajectory 6-month direct trajectory meets Tempel 1 near perihelion Launch Jan. 12, 2005 S/C Earth Orbit X Earth at Encounter Impact! July 4, 2005 Tempel 1 Orbit (5.5 yr Period) Sun
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Deep Impact FRRJan. 8, 2005Page 8 Launch Sequence Timeline
Deep Impact FRRJan. 8, 2005Page 9 Reviews Schedule SMARR12/22/04Complete Mission Readiness Review12/27/04Complete JPL GPMC12/28/04Complete Mission Readiness Brief12/29/04Complete Launch Site Readiness Review12/30/04Complete Flight Readiness Review1/8/05 Mission Dress Rehearsal1/10/05 Launch Readiness Review1/11/05 Post Launch Assessment Review2/16/05 Encounter Risk Review4/13/05 Critical Events Readiness Review6/2/05 JPL GPMC6/15/05 Encounter Brief to HQ6/22/05
Deep Impact FRRJan. 8, 2005Page 10 DI Launch Site Operations Boeing Integrated Operations Long days >10 hours, 2 sh = 2 shift, 7am to 11pm (2 teams minimum) 24h = around the clock ops 24 hours per day (3 teams minimum) Move To KSC & Pad Preps Early AM 1/3 Move To KSC & Pad Preps Early AM 1/3 DI SC Erection SC Power On SC (T-8) 1/3 DI SC Erection SC Power On SC (T-8) 1/3 FSW Load & Pad Functional (T-7) 1/4 FSW Load & Pad Functional (T-7) 1/4 Flight Prog Verification Stray Volts Initiate Batt Charge (T-6) 1/5 Flight Prog Verification Stray Volts Initiate Batt Charge (T-6) 1/5 Fairing finaling SC-Post PLF installation aliveness test Reinitiate Batt Trickle charge (T-3) 1/8 Fairing finaling SC-Post PLF installation aliveness test Reinitiate Batt Trickle charge (T-3) 1/8 Prop Sys and MST move preps S/C Final Closeout & Power On (T-1) 1/11 Prop Sys and MST move preps S/C Final Closeout & Power On (T-1) 1/11 Mission Dress Rehearsal/2 nd Stage Prop Loading Batt Trickle charge (T-2) 1/10 Mission Dress Rehearsal/2 nd Stage Prop Loading Batt Trickle charge (T-2) 1/10 Launch Readiness Review (LRR) (T-1) 1/11 Launch Readiness Review (LRR) (T-1) 1/11 Launch Countdown Batt Trickle Charge (T-0) 1/12 Launch Countdown Batt Trickle Charge (T-0) 1/12 Start Trickle Charge – 24hr/day 7day/wk Except 1/7 From: XMAS Fairing Install No Batt Trickle charge Activity (T-4) 1/7 Fairing Install No Batt Trickle charge Activity (T-4) 1/7 Canning Day 1/2 Canning Day 1/2 Mate w/ PAF, 3 rd Stage 2 days 12/29-30 Mate w/ PAF, 3 rd Stage 2 days 12/29-30 New years (Env monitor) 2 days 12/31-1/1 New years (Env monitor) 2 days 12/31-1/1 LV Ordnance installation SC Closeout (T-5) 1/6 LV Ordnance installation SC Closeout (T-5) 1/6 SA Stow Closeout Wet Weigh 1day 12/28 SA Stow Closeout Wet Weigh 1day 12/28 FRR 1/8 S/C Batt Trickle Charge (SUN) 1/9 S/C Batt Trickle Charge (SUN) 1/9
Deep Impact FRRJan. 8, 2005Page 11 Previous Issues Closure of Mission Readiness Review (MRR) action items –Completed 1/7/05 Complete pre-launch work-to-go as briefed at MRR –Completed 1/7/05
Deep Impact FRRJan. 8, 2005Page 12 Impact of BET Change DI did not want to accept delta-V budget hit caused by injection biases Correcting the RLA biases required earlier launch and thus moved the separation times earlier (key to our issue) Earlier separation impacts the S/C critical sequence –Project did not want to change the critical sequence and inherent logic that has been tested for two years –For the first launch azimuth on Jan 12th only, this meant the S/C would “sit” for several seconds after separation waiting for the critical sequence to start. This brought in to question the viability of the fault protection response logic –Change would mean additional regeneration of products and retest for the first azimuth only, and a different set of products for all other opportunities Not where we want to be this close to launch when the team is concentrating on preparations for operations The decision to not use the first azimuth was the least risk approach for the mission, retained the critical sequence and fault protection logic in its as tested configuration, and (by the way) did not impact the project’s delta-V budget
Deep Impact FRRJan. 8, 2005Page 13 Current Status/Open Work Final closure of problem report on SCU/CPU reset during pad functional test on 1/4/05 –GSE/ground configuration issue –No residual risk for flight
Deep Impact FRRJan. 8, 2005Page 14 Readiness Statement Deep Impact is ready to continue processing for launch