Human Trafficking from Latin America and the Caribbean to Western Europe and Japan Saturday, April 2, 2005 Forum on Human Trafficking The George Washington University
Organization of American States
OAS Anti-TIP Coordinator Priorities 1. Foster National Action by Governments 2. Advance Effective Best Practices 3. Help Implement OAS Projects and Training 4. Improve Cooperation with Governments outside the Western Hemisphere user oas:
General Observations on Europe Most victims come from Brazil, Colombia and Dominican Republic. Growing numbers come from Ecuador and Peru. High number of traffickers arrested to victims found. Many governments suggest a significant number of victims remain unidentified. Migration from Latin America to Western Europe steadily increasing. user oas:
Survey of Information on Latin American and Caribbean TIP Victims in certain European countries: Spain Switzerland Austria Germany The Netherlands France user oas:
Spain Spanish Police Unofficial TIP Data: Commercial SexualForced Labor ,4453, ,5276,457
Spain user oas: Spanish Police Unofficial TIP Data: Victims ofCommercial Sexual Exploitation ColombiansBrazilians
Switzerland user oas: Swiss Government’s Estimates of TIP Victims: The 2002 Swiss Federal Report on crime estimates that 1,500 to 3,000 illegal foreign prostitutes could be victims of TIP. The 2001 estimate was 2,200 to 3,700.
Switzerland Persons Vulnerable to TIP: Police estimate 14,000 Women in Prostitution NGO Estimated Number of Foreign Women in Prostitution: 2, ,000 Estimated Number of Latin Women in Prostitution: ,000 (Note: No clear data on Forced Labor) user oas:
Austria Austrian Government Data on TIP Victims and Traffickers: (233 women) victims identified Traffickers arrested Traffickers arrested user oas:
Austria Austrian NGO TIP Data related to the LAC Region: assisted 415 women, many from DR, Venezuela, Chile assisted 208 women assisted 183 women
Austria Persons Vulnerable to TIP: Estimated Number of Foreign Women in Prostitution: 5,000 to 17,000 Estimated Number of Latin American or Caribbean Women in Prostitution: 500 to 2,000 (Note: No data on Forced Labor) user oas:
Germany German Government TIP Data related to the LAC Region: victims (5 traffickers) victims (3 traffickers) victims (4 traffickers) victims (5 traffickers) user oas:
Germany German NGOs TIP Data related to the LAC Region: In Victims (Official Victims 8) In Victims (Official Victims 16) In Victims (Official Victims 24) user oas:
Germany Persons Vulnerable to TIP Estimated Number of Foreign Women in Prostitution:30, ,000 Estimated Number of Latin American Women in Prostitution:3, ,000 (Note: No clear data on Forced Labor) user oas:
The Netherlands Dutch Government TIP Data related to the LAC Region: 1995: 19 victims (12% of total victims) 1996: 5 victims (4%) 1997: 10 victims (6%) 1998: 6 victims (24%) 1999: 11 victims (15%) 2000: 7 victims (2%) 2001: 3 victims (1%) user oas:
The Netherlands Dutch Government’s Estimates of TIP Victims: The Bureau of the Dutch National Rapporteur on Human Trafficking estimates that each year 3,500 women become victims of trafficking in the Netherlands. user oas:
The Netherlands Persons Vulnerable to TIP: NGO Estimated Number of Foreign Women in Prostitution: 13, ,000 Estimated Number of Latin and Caribbean Women in Prostitution: 1, ,000 user oas:
France French Government TIP Data: 2003: 900 Victims TIP Arrests: 2000: 472 Traffickers 2001: 466 Traffickers 2002: 643 Traffickers 2003: 709 Traffickers user oas:
France French Government TIP Data related to the LAC Region (year 2003): 26 Total Victims (21 women; 5 men; 2.2% of all) Brazil 9Ecuador 6 Colombia 2 Peru 2 Venezuela 3Argentina 1 Chile 1Guyana 1 Cuba 1 user oas:
Japan OAS Study in Japan: Estimates 1,700 victims per year from the LAC region. user oas: