Unit 8 – Career Connections April 2012
AGENDA Reports from last week and any school updates Unit 8 Objectives Discuss how various tasks comes together to help with career connection Visit Kaplan University Career Resources Center Case Study Final review of the project for Unit 8 2
THE TIME IS HERE Although it may be terrifying to get out of you comfort zone; it’s also exciting to start a new chapter in your life. -Kate Couric 3
DING! ITS TIME TO SHARE Share something good that happened this week! 4
WHAT IS NETWORKING? Dictionary.com -noun 1. a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest: Working mothers in the community use networking to help themselves manage successfully. 2. the design, establishment, or utilization of a computer network. 5
WHICH CAREER IS RIGHT FOR YOU? O*net – Let’s take a visit -Go to Kaplan University Career Services 6
COVER LETTERS AND RESUMES What is the main purpose of a resume? -Whether you're gunning for a new job, or just want to update your existing resume to include the most recent skills or certifications that you've picked up at your current job, writing the perfect resume is an important skill for new job seekers and hardened veterans alike. The steps on this page will show you the best way to write a resume that will land you the perfect job - 11
COVER LETTERS Why write a cover letter? -It should answer the question – Why should I hire you? -It should grab the employers attention and point why you, above all other applicants, should be contacted for a personal interview -Please visit this site to enrich your knowledge of cover letters… - 12
LET’S TALK ABOUT THE INTERVIEW 5Ws? How are you using SMART goals in your work to the finish? 13
UNIT 7 INTERVIEW – DUE END OF UNIT 8 The interview is part of the final project and is due no later than the last day of Unit 8 Download the template from Unit 7 assignment Select the person you want to interview: the must hold a degree in order to have the position Make contact with to set up your date and time In person interview are most valuable. Do everything possible to make it a person-to-person! Attend this interview as it if is a job interview for you! You may be surprised. 14
CASE HISTORY Minh has been working as a retail clerk since high school. She knows the inventory well and likes her boss and the customers who come in regularly to purchase from her. Her income is above minimum wage and is almost enough to cover the cost of living, so she has been rather satisfied – until recently. You see, Minh is planning to get married next year. She knows that this life change means her responsibilities will increase, and so she has chosen to go to college and increase her job prospects as well. She has chosen Business as her major. The first term has been going well, but in week 8, Minh’s boss asks her to work extra hours. 15
THOUGHTS FOR DISCUSSION How is Minh’s current job beneficial to her ultimate career goals? How would setting more specific career goals help make decisions? What general advice would you give Minh to encourage her to complete the quarter and continue in school? 16
THANK YOU FOR A WONDERFUL EVENING! Anyone have any questions? 17