Page 2 Instruction GROUP A GROUP B Name a country Name a sport beginning with … A letter
Page 3
Page 4 hailand - T ennis T
Page 5 hilippines/ akistan P ing pong P P
Page 6 ietnam - V olleyball V
Page 7 runei - B odybuilding B
Page 8 ambodia - C hess C
Page 9 alaysia / yanmar M ountain biking M M
Page 10 ingapore - S quash S
Page 11 What Asian countries have taken part in the Asian Games ?
Page 12 What sports have been introduced in the Asian Games?
Page 13 Vocabulary Bronze medal Silver medal Gold medal
Page 14
Page 15
Page 16 Use simple past tense to talk about the events in the past. Passive Voice can be used to talk about the year the Asian Games took place. Ex: The first Asian Games were held in 1951 in New Delhi, India.
Page 17
Page 18 INSTRUCTION _ Look at the dialogue on page 139 and repeat the conversation _ Use the information in the table to substitute for the suitable information Task 1: Repetition and substitution
Page 19 Games No. Host countryYear Number of Countries Number of sports 1India Philippines Japan Indonesia Thailand Thailand Iran Thailand India Korea China Japan Thailand Korea Qatar
Page 20 _ Take turns to talk about the sports results of the Vietnamese athletes at 14th Asian Games, using the information from the table below. Example: A: How many medals did Vietnamese athlete in the 14 th Asian Games in bodybuilding? B: 1 gold medal and 1 bronze medal. A: Was there any gold medal in Wushu? B: No, just one silver medal and 1 bronze medal. Task 2: Reporting Task 2: Reporting
Page 21
Page 22 Role play Play the role of a group of TV reporters preparing their report about Vietnam’s performance and achievements at the 14th Asian Games.
Page 23 You can include some information about the Asian Games. What is it? Why is the event held? Where is it held? How many countries participate? What sports are played? What sports does Vietnam compete in? What medals does it obtain in each sport?
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