Look at the pictures of some sports then give their names in English.
BasketballCycling Football Wrestling ShootingBoxing WeightliftingAthletics SwimmingFencingBodybuildingBilliards
Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Period 77: 11 English Lesson: SPEAKING
I. Useful language: Grade 11 UNIT 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Period 77: Lesson: SPEAKING 1. Tense:The past simple B: (They were held) in 1951 in India. A: How many countries took part in the Games? B: Eleven. A: How many sports were there at the Games? B: Six. A: When and where were the 1 st Asian Games held? 2. Ordinal numbers: the first (1 st ), the second (2 nd ), the third (3 rd ), the fourth (4 th ), …. (passive voice is used to talk about the time and place the Asian Games took place.)
A: When and where were Asian Games held? B: (They were held) A: How many countries took part in the Games? B: A: How many sports were there at the Games? B: Games No. Host country Year Number of countries Number of sports 1India Grade 11 UNIT 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Period 77: Lesson: SPEAKING the 10 th in 1986 in Korea. Twenty seven. Twenty five. II. Asking and answering questions about the Asian Games: the 1 st in 1951 in India. Eleven. Six. Games No. Host country Year Number of countries Number of sports 10Korea
Handout A: Games No. Host countryYearNumber of countries Number of sports 1India Japan Thailand Iran India China Thailand Qatar II. Asking and answering questions about the Asian Games:
Games No. Host countryYearNumber of countries Number of sports 2Philippines Indonesia Thailand Thailand Korea Japan Korea Handout B:
India Philippines Japan Indonesia Iran Thailand Korea China Qatar Listen and repeat:
III. Talking about the sports results of the Vietnamese athletes at 14th Asian Games: MEDALS WON BY VIETNAM (at 14 th Asian Games held in Busan, Korea ) SportsGold MedalsSilver MedalsBronze Medals Bodybuilding11 Billiards11 Karatedo21 Shooting1 Wushu11 Ex: In bodybuilding, the Vietnamese athletes won one gold medal and one bronze medal. How many medals did Vietnamese athletes win in bodybuilding?
IV. Talking about the 16 th Asian Games: Games No.Host countryYear Number of countries Number of sports 16 MEDALS WON BY VIETNAM ( at 16th Asian Games held in Guangzhou, China) SportsGold medalsSilver medalsBronze medals Wrestling11 Rowing 2 Chess 11 Athletics 32 Karatedo111 - time and place: - number of countries: - number of sports: - number of medals in some sports of Vietnam: - some of the sports Vietnamese athletes took part in: China
Homework: - Find out some information about the 17 th Asian Games. - Prepare for the next lesson
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