Bi syndrome
General introduction Bi syndrome is characterized by obstruction of qi and blood in meridians and collaterals due to invasion of pathogenic wind, cold, damp and heat, and manifested as soreness, pain, numbness and heavy sensation of the limbs, muscles, tendons, joints or bones, swollen joints and limitation of movement.
Etiology and pathogenesis Wind,cold,dam p,pathogenic factors Wind,damp,heat pathogenic factors Obstruction of skin,muscles, tendons,vesse les and bone Stagnati on of qi and blood bring about pain Wndering Bi(wind Bi) Painful Bi(cold Bi) Fixed Bi(damp Bi) Heat Bi
1.Wandering Bi(Xing bi) Main manifestations:Wandering pain and soreness of the body limbs,joints and muscles,limited movement of the joints Accompanying Symptoms and Signs:Chills and fever Tongue and Pulse:A thin white tongue coating,a floating pulse
2.Painful Bi(Tong Bi) Main Manifestations:Severe stabbing and fixed pain in the joints,alleviated by warmth and aggravated by cold,but without local redness and hotness,limited movement of the joints Accompanying Symptoms and Signs:Cold limbs,aversion to cold Tongue and Pulse:A thin white tongue coating,a wiry tense pulse
Wind,cold,damp pathogenic factors Wind,heat,damp pathogenic factors Obstruction of qi and blood Wind,cold, damp Bi Heat Bi Wandering Bi Painful Bi Fixed Bi GB20, BL17, SP10, LR3 BL23, RN4 SP9, ST36 DU14,LI11,LI4SUMMARY