Working with Fractures Click to Begin
Working with Fractures Click to Continue
Open Fracture In an open fracture, the broken bone is so far displaced that it breaks, or nearly breaks, the skin. Infection is a risk with open fractures because of the open wound. Click to Continue
Closed Fracture In a closed fracture, the broken bone is not displaced as far, so it does not break the skin. Closed fractures are harder to diagnose, especially when they occur near a joint. Ankle fractures can look very much like sprains. When in doubt, treat injuries like that as breaks. Click to Continue
Suspect a fracture or dislocation if: Gentle pressure causes pain The limb or joint appears deformed The joint is swollen and extremely painful You see bruising of joint or limb The patient is unable to move the injured part End of bone has pierced the skin Any time you suspect a fracture, you should treat it as a fracture! Click to Continue
Treatment of Fractures Control Bleeding Treat for shock Immobilize the injured area If you have have training in splinting ok to splint. DO NOT TRY TO REALIGN THE BONE Apply ice packs to help with swelling and pain Click to Continue
Detached Limbs Preserve the limb Keep it as cold as possible This Concludes the Presentation