Thomas D. Futral County Extension Coordinator Tallapoosa Co. Getting Started
Scott A. Enebak, Ph.D. Professor & Director Forest Health Dynamics Laboratory Southern Forest Nursery Management Cooperative and Forest Pathology Lori G. Eckhardt, Ph.D. Assistant Professor & Director Forest Pathology & Entomology Forest Health Dynamics Laboratory Forest Health Cooperative Auburn University School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences
As far as private timberland acreage is concerned, Alabama ranks second behind Georgia.
77% of timberland acreage is owned by non-industrial private landowners.
The forest industry is the state’s largest manufacturing industry, producing an estimated $15.39 billion worth of products in 2005.
There are approximately 850 active forest products manufacturing operations in the state.
Over 48,000 people are directly employed with forest-based companies and 100,000 people are indirectly dependent upon the forest industry.