I NDUSTRIAL R EVOLUTION During the Industrial Revolution, there was a trend from the traditional farming community to an economy based on manufacturing by machines in factories. This Revolution started in late 1700’s in England. There were several factors as to why it started in England
I NDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Contributing Factors 1.Agriculture expanded because of Good weather Improved transportation New crops More people could be fed at a lower price and less workers were needed
I NDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 2.Population growth With the food supply growing means more people to work in the factories 3.Ready supply of money or Capital Entrepreneurs were interested in new business opportunities Many British family had great wealth
I NDUSTRIAL R EVOLUTION 4.Natural resources in England were plentiful Many rivers to power the new factories Rivers also served as transportation England also had an abundance of coal and iron ore, which is essential to the manufacturing process 5.Supply of markets gave England an outlet to sell their products.
I NDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Cotton production was handled in a more effective way With inventions such as Hargrove (1764)- Spinning Jenny- spun cotton thread Cartwight (1787)- water-powered loom James Watt (1782)- steam engine
I NDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Other industries that changed Coal and Iron industries With the advent of the steam engine coal was used to fuel these engines Aided in the invention of new processes for Iron Iron industry developed new ways of processing better iron to build engines and new forms of transportation
I NDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Other industries that changed Railroads 1804 first locomotive, which traveled 5 miles per hour 1830 a locomotive traveled from Liverpool to Manchester at 16 miles per hour The advancement of the locomotive would improve over the years to come
I NDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Other industries that changed New factories More workers coming from rural areas to work meant that the landscape of cities were changing The owners of companies were wanting their factories working around the clock Labor workers were being mistreated and abused
I NDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Spread of Industrialization Europe Developed at different speeds Belgium, France and Germany, government was very active in encouraging in development Government would provide funds for developing factories
I NDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Spread of Industrialization North America Between 1800 & 1860, America grew from 5 million to 30 million. This meant that most American families were coming off the farms and moving closer to the factories. The landscape in America was slowly changing from farming to manufacturing
I NDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Social Classes were changing The Industrial Revolution changed The populations of cities during the 18 th century Two new social classes were developing Industrial middle class Industrial working class
I NDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Working conditions had become very harsh, abusive, unfair, and pitiful created a new fundamental idea. Socialism is defined as a system in which society, usually government, owns and controls some means of production.
R EACTION AND REVOLUTION After the defeat of Napoleon, Europe was trying to restore the old style of rule by giving back power to monarchs that had ruled before Napoleon. The great powers of the world were: Great Britain Austria Russia Prussia
R EACTION AND REVOLUTION Along with restoring power, two great political philosophies were created. Conservatism Liberalism Both are still in existence today
R EACTION AND REVOLUTION Conservatism -Based on tradition and social stability Most conservatives believe in obedience to political authority & organized religion was critical to order of society. The great powers of the time would meet from time to time to discuss issues
R EACTION AND REVOLUTION Conservatism These powers adopted the principle of intervention. This meant that these powers could send in armies during revolutions and restore peace if need be. Great Britain objected to intervene in other states affairs.
R EACTION AND REVOLUTION Between , conservatism was strong and well but there was another philosophy that wanted and enjoyed change from within the states Liberalism -People should be as free as possible from government restraint. Civil liberties became the battle cry for liberals. Example is the Bill of Rights
R EACTION AND REVOLUTION Most liberals wanted: 1.Religious tolerance 2.Separation of church and state 3.Peaceful opposition (war – free) 4.Government ruled by a constitution Did not want: 1.Democracy- one vote 2.Only land owning men should rule