1 SP Goal 4: Advanced Technology Committee SP Goal 4 Advanced Technology Chair: KC Spivey, PG&E CLTEESP Strategies 4.1 – 4.6 Market Adoption: OEM Promotion / IDSM Programs (4.3) Climate Optimized Building Codes & Equipment Standards (4.1, 4.2, 4.4) In-Field / Onboard Diagnostics (4.5, 4.6)
2 Climate Optimized Building Codes & Equipment Standards Subcommittee Implementation Plan and Timeline StrategiesNon-CPUC Partners Near Term Mid Term Long Term : Pursue regional climate optimized equipment standards through DOE rulemaking process. Department of Energy Utilities Nat’l Labs NBI HVAC industry Develop recommended standards and present to DOE. Regional climate optimized standards adopted by DOE. Ongoing 4-2: Update “Total Avoided Cost Model” and Title 24 “Time Dependent Valuation” calculations, including use of peak energy values. Energy Commission Utilities Evaluate, revise and update as needed in State and Federal applications. Ongoing 4-4: Adopt a progressive set of building codes that support the deployment of peak efficient equipment. Energy Commission Utilities AHRI ASHRAE ACCA Enhance and accelerate the deployment of Title 20/24 codes. Ongoing Chair: Stuart Tartaglia, Pacific Gas and Electric Company
3 Market Adoption: OEM Promotion / IDSM Programs Subcommittee Implementation Plan and Timeline StrategiesNon-CPUC Partners Near Term Mid Term Long Term : Accelerate market penetration of advanced technologies by HVAC industry promotions and updating/expanding current utility programs to include the new technologies as appropriate. Utilities Energy Commission Conduct a comprehensive cost- benefit analysis of leading and prospective advanced technologies, and use to prioritize utility incentive offerings and HVAC industry deployment strategies Establish an incubator program to accelerate commercialization of most promising technologies. Provide necessary program incentives to ensure that advanced technologies represent 30 percent of the systems sold by Continue to provide necessary program incentives to ensure that advanced technologies represent 50 percent of systems sold by Chair: Julie Humes, Lennox Corporation
4 In-Field / Onboard Diagnostics Subcommittee Implementation Plan and Timeline StrategiesNon-CPUC Partners Near Term Mid Term Long Term : Develop nationwide standards and/or guidelines for onboard diagnostic functionality and specifications for designated sensor mount locations. Manufacturers Utilities Trade Associations AHRI ASHRAE Establish an industry- wide task force to develop national standard diagnostic protocols. Begin implementation. Incorporate into HVAC industry and utility programs. Incorporate diagnostic standards into equipment codes. Ongoing 4-6: Prioritize in-field diagnostic and maintenance approaches based on the anticipated size of savings, cost of repairs, and the frequency of faults occurring. Manufacturers Utilities Trade Associations AHRI ASHRAE Benchmark existing diagnostic, repair and maintenance protocols and develop appropriate products. Commercialize onboard diagnostic systems. Incorporate mandatory onboard diagnostic systems in California building codes. Chair: Mark Cherniack, New Buildings Institute