How to be a Good Web 2.0 Citizen 10 Tricks & Tips to Improve Your Social Networking By Jennifer L. Bowie
Tips 1-3: Don’t just lurk Tip 1: Contribute in your own way: Produce original content you share through a blog, podcast, photos or more Tip 2: Join conversations: Read and respond to other's posts, casts, and more Tip 3: Join communities: Find communities related to your own web 2.0 content and to other interests. Read the blogs, respond, join forums. Be a voice in the community.
Tips 4-5: Contribute Tip 4: Like it? Hate it? Share it: Share your experiences with web 2.0 content and other content. Provide links and other info. Tip 5: Tag: Help organize information by tagging your content and others’
Tips 6-8: Respond & Link Tip 6: Post regularly and frequently: Don’t just have a blog, podcast, account, use it. Often. Tip 7: Use multimedia to inform posts: Include videos, pictures, audio, music, text, and more in your contributions. Link to resources you use. Quote and link to others. Incorporate the community. Tip 8: Respond to comments on your media: Respond ASAP. Be thoughtful and thankful, but don’t feed the trolls, unless you want to.
Tip 9: Be Yourself or Not Tip 9: Be yourself or your persona: Develop and show your personality or persona in your media. Develop an unique style, tone, content, … and work it.
Tip 10: ? What else should you do?
Have Fun and Social Media Well!