According to Taylor, “recruitment is the process of locating, identifying and attracting capable applicants” Flippo has defined recruitment as “a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization” Recruitment concept
Recruitment Attracting individuals on a timely basis Attracting individuals with appropriate qualification Encouraging individuals to apply for jobs with an organization To have the right kind of people in right number at the right place Results in
Factors affecting Recruitment Internal Factors Size of the organization Recruiting policy Image of the organization Image of the job External Factors Demographic factors Labour market Unemployment situation Labour laws and legal consideration
Such a policy asserts the objectives of the recruitment and provides a framework of implementation of the recruitment programme A well defined policy may avoid hasty or ill-considered decisions It goes a long way to man the organization with the right type of personnel Recruitment Policy
A good recruitment policy must contain these elements : – Organization’s objective – Identification of the recruitment needs – Preferred sources of recruitment – Criteria of selection and preferences – The cost of recruitment and financial implications of the same Recruitment Policy
The recruitment policy of an organization must satisfy the following conditions – It should be in conformity with its general personnel policies – Should be flexible enough to meet the changing needs of an organization – Should be so designed as to ensure employment opportunities for its employees on a long-term basis and it should develop the potentialities of its employees – It should match the qualities of employees with the requirements of the work – It should highlight the necessity of establishing job analysis Recruitment Policy
Internal Sources Present employees Former employees Previous applicants External Sources Employment exchange Consultancy Campus recruitment Professional agencies Employee raiding/poaching Sources of Recruitment
ADVANTAGES It improves the morale of the present employees Promotes loyalty among employees They are tried people, therefore, can be relied upon Less costly than external sources Require little training, as employees are already aware of organization’s policies and procedures DISADVANTAGES Limited choice Stagnation of skills Creates conflicts Internal Sources of Recruitment
ADVANTAGES Availability of talented candidates Opportunity to select the best candidate In the ling run, this source proves to be economical because potential employees do not need extra training DISADVANTAGES It is expensive and time consuming Unfamiliarity with the organization Discourages the existing employees External Sources of Recruitment
Recruitment methods refer to the means by which an organization reaches to the potential job seekers In other words, these are the ways of establishing contacts with the potential candidates Recruitment methods are different from the sources of recruitment Recruitment method is the means of establishing links with the prospective candidates Sources of recruitment is the location where the prospective employees are available Methods of Recruitment
Direct methods – Representatives of the organization are sent to the potential candidates in educational and training institutes – Sometimes, firms directly solicit information from the concerned teachers about students with an outstanding record – Other direct methods include sending recruiters to conventions and seminars, setting up exhibits at fairs, and using mobile offices to go to the desired centers Methods of Recruitment
Indirect methods – Indirect method mostly involve advertising in newspaper, on the radio, in trade and professional journals, technical magazines and brochures – Advertisements in local newspapers can be a good source of blue- collar workers, clerical and lower-level administrative employees – Some organizations use blind advertisements. However, large organizations refrain from using blind advertisements Methods of Recruitment
Third party methods – These include the use of private employment agencies, management consultants, professional bodies/ associations, employee referrals, computer data banks, etc., to establish contact with the job holder Methods of Recruitment
Recruitment planning Strategy development Searching Screening Evaluation and control Recruitment Process
Different sources for recruitment in India have been classified as: – Within the organization – Badli or temporary workers – Employment agencies – Casual callers – Employee referral – Advertisements – Labour contractors Recruitment practices in India
The different methods used by public sector organizations in India are: – Employment exchanges – Advertisement – Casual callers – Central training institutes – Employee recommendations The methods used by private sector are – advertisements, relatives and friends, employee recommendations, employment exchanges Recruitment practices in India
The problem of the “Sons of the Soil” National Commission on Labour has observed and studied this claim and then recommended the following: – Young persons from families who surrendered their land for establishment of the organization must be given first priority for employment with proper training – Second preference is given to suitable hands hailing from immediate vicinity of the organization – Selection committee be formed with a representative of state govt. for lower level jobs – Middle & higher level appointments be supervised by Public Service Commission – State participation must be ensured in BoD Recruitment practices in India