North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May WMO Space Programme and IGDDS Jérôme Lafeuille WMO Space Programme World Meteorological Organization
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May Outline WMO Space Programme and the Space-based Global Observing System IGDDS and inter-regional data exchange
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May WMO Programmes World Weather Watch Programme World Weather Watch Programme WMO Space Programme Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Programme Education and Training Programme Technical Cooperation Programme Regional Programme WorldClimateProgramme AtmosphericResearchandEnvironmentProgramme ApplicationsofMeteorologyProgramme HydrologyandWaterResourcesProgramme WMO/OMM
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May WCP AMP efficient use, common tools Increased awareness and skills Promote data use : Information & training cooperation on methods AREP/GAW NDPM WWW WCRP, GCOS HWR / WHYCOS CEOS / IGOS CGMS GEOSS SFCG ITWG IWWG IPWG Consolidated requirements Improved observations coordinated system Space-based observing systems Requirements & Implementation Sat operators Timeliness Cost-effectiveness Ensure data availability IGDDS Programmes and science groupsSatellite organizations and coordinating bodies CBS CM Focal point
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May WCP AMP efficient use, common tools Increased awareness and skills Promote data use : Information & training cooperation on methods AREP/GAW NDPM WWW WCRP, GCOS HWR / WHYCOS CEOS / IGOS CGMS GEOSS SFCG ITWG IWWG IPWG Consolidated requirements Improved observations coordinated system Space-based observing systems Requirements & Implementation Sat operators Timeliness Cost-effectiveness Ensure data availability IGDDS Programmes and science groupsSatellite organizations and coordinating bodies CBS CM Focal point
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May operational meteorological LEO satellites Baseline = 4 sat (2 am + 2 pm) + contingency Optimized orbital planes for efficient temporal sampling operational meteorological GEO satellites Baseline = 6 sat + contingency Optimized equatorial locations for efficient coverage Research and Development satellites declared by operators as contributing to the GOS Operational inter-calibration system (GSICS) (In future) Space-based Global Observing System
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May WWW’s space-based component of the Global Observing System (2006) Unparalleled international cooperation has been achieved in satellite activities
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May Distribution of planned sensors in Low Earth Orbit
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May Scope of the GOS Towards a WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) covering the needs of all WMO programs: 3 Earth-system domains (atmosphere, ocean, land) and 2 cross-cutting themes (climate, disasters) WIGOS to become a major contributor to GEOSS
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May WCP AMP efficient use, common tools Increased awareness and skills Promote data use : Information & training cooperation on methods AREP/GAW NDPM WWW WCRP, GCOS HWR / WHYCOS CEOS / IGOS CGMS GEOSS SFCG ITWG IWWG IPWG Consolidated requirements Improved observations coordinated system Space-based observing systems Requirements & Implementation Sat operators Timeliness Cost-effectiveness Ensure data availability IGDDS Programmes and science groupsSatellite organizations and coordinating bodies CBS CM Focal point
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May ACRONYMS IGDDS: Integrated Global Data Dissemination Service ADM: Advanced Dissemination Methods - routine broadcast (push) - normally via commercial telecom satellite - following current standard (DVB-S, IP) RARS: Regional ATOVS Retransmission Service (e.g. EARS) WIS : (future) WMO Information System
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May IGDDS Background Logarithmic scale !
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May IGDDS Definition and baseline IGDDS : satellite data & products circulation scheme to meet the needs of WMO Programmes for improved access as agreed in WMO Space Programme Implementation Plan IGDDS Baseline –Integrates all satellite-related data fluxes –Global exchange of satellite data among regional centres –Dissemination relying on ADM and Direct Broadcast ADM mainly via Digital Video Broadcast by telecom satellite cost-efficient for end-users and for operators –fully integrated within the WMO Information System (WIS) but identified end-to-end service for space-based data
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May IGDDS definition and baseline IGDDS regional/global implementation Data from operational Polar and Geostationary satellites available within region A Data Collection and Products Centre Other data : R&D, high-level products Region A Region B Data from operational Polar and Geostationary satellites available within region B Other data : R&D, high-level products Data Collection and Products Centre Data Dissemination User Community #1 User Community #2 ADM #1ADM #2 Other distribution means Inter-regional Data Exchange Data Dissemination User Community #1 User Community #2 ADM #1ADM #2 Other distribution means
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May IGDDS definition and baseline IGDDS within WIS in each region IGDDS components Inter-operability and data exchange Data from operational Polar and Geostationary satellites available within region (Satellite) Data Collection & Product Centre Other regional data : R&D, high-level products Other data communica tion means Data Dissemination (possibly shared with non-satellite) User Community #1 User Community #2 ADM #1 ADM #2 Data Collection & Product Centres Global Information System Centre All kinds of WMO programmes data & products (mostly non-satellite) Data Collection & Product Centres Users Other data- communication means National Centres
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May Data acquisition activities: RARS for timely access to polar data EARS (Eumetsat) covers Europe, N-America and North Pole –expanding to include new data (AVHRR, ASCAT from METOP) –distribution via GTS and DVB-satellite broadcast Plan for Asia-Pacific RARS (distribution via GTS and Internet/FTP) Plan for South-America RARS (distribution via GTS and Internet/FTP) Regional ATOVS Retransmission Services (RARS) complement the baseline ground segments of polar satellites: Data acquired by several local receiving stations are concentrated, processed and redistributed for regional and global NWP users Timeliness= 30 minutes instead of 2-3 hours for global data.
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May Data acquisition activities:
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May Data dissemination activities IGDDS dissemination approach Global ADM coverage possible with at least 4 “regional” dissemination services to be established by satellite operators or consortia including satellite operators critical need for Asia-Pacific region Sat operators to take responsibility for ADM dissemination services over regions consistent with the location of their primary users (e.g. footprint of their GEO satellites ) Target date : January 2007 Dissemination concept reviewed at ET-SUP, CGMS, RARS- ADM workshop, and reported at CM-6 (Jan. 2006)
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May Data dissemination activities ADMs by satellite operators Europe : Eumetcast-Ku band (Eumetsat) Africa and Caribbean: Eumetcast-C band North-, Central & South-America : –pilot Eumetcast-C band for considerations for transition to a NOAA ADM by 2008 Asia-Pacific regions : –current Shinetek ADM over China trial planned in 2006 for wide Asia-Pacific ADM including DVB-S broadcast complemented by terrestrial links Group on Earth Observation (GEO): Eumetcast serving as a demo for GEOnetcast within GEOSS
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May Inter-regional data exchange Growing need for near real-time access to global data sets Evolving data requirements to be reviewed on regional basis –North America-Europe Data Exchange (NAEDE) and Asia Pacific Satellite Data Exchange and Utilization (APSDEU) are excellent models –Rolling Requirements Review mechanisms still to de discussed but NAEDE and APSDEU are expected to contribute to the process Technical means for data exchange to be agreed by satellite operators –building on existing means if relevant –within WIS context –considering new requirements (e.g. adaptative observations ?)
North-America-Europe Data Exchange, 3-5 May Conclusion North America Data Exchange meeting provides WMO SP observer with valuable opportunity for better awareness of status, plans and issues related to satellite data use by major NWP centres The activity of this informal group is of high interest with respect to IGDDS objectives Thank you !