materials A camera stand Garlands Ornaments Lights A green fabric
Lets get started Wrap the green fabric around the camera stand 1
Wrap-it-up!!!!! Wrap the garland around the Christmas tree 1 2 3
The space!!!! Now, as you can see, theres a biiiiiig space on the christmas tree, cause I don’t have enough garlands, so I made this 1 2 3
Turn the lights on!!! Ok, time for the lights. I’d use the fancy lights, with colors. Wrap it on the christmas tree!!!!
Ornaments Ive bought 2 kinds of ornaments one is the ball and one it the presents made from foam. You’ve gotta have needles.
ornaments Hold the needle up. 2. Insert the ornament string into the needle. 3. Poke it into the fabric, at the back
Working well To make the lights work well, wait until evening. = WAIT…..
For doors (if you want) I decorated it with blue and white lights and a merry christmas thingie.
The finale