O&M of dark fibre networks (based) - good practices, procedures Octavian Rusu RoEduNet
Agenda IRU and DF IRU NRENs and IRU Options to get the DF RoEduNet case The deal Costs 6 year of operation
IRU IRU - the exclusive and unrestricted (indefeasible – cannot be overturned) right to use the relevant capacity (including equipment, fibers or capacity) for any legal purpose DF IRU - the exclusive and unrestricted (indefeasible – cannot be overturned) right to use a pair of fibre (from a cable) for any legal purpose Period – at least 10 years
IRU for NRENs Type of NREN: governmental or non governmental Funding per year – not suitable for IRU Multiannual – it depends… Costs: IRU - Per year or per period – see SEEFIRE or Porta Optica Maintenance costs – difficult to be rightly estimated for long term period Collocation costs – could be negotiated (usually same vendor), many times should be re-negotiated in the IRU period
Other options There are other options instead of IRU Building of the infrastructure Not suitable for NRENs in most cases but could be suitable for public-private partnership More suitable for the national/regional network, more difficult for last mile or access network Partnership with national/regional operator The solution adopted by RoEduNet
The Deal Use any available fiber segment (one pair) from Telecomunicatii CFR (state owned company), install the DWDM equipment and provide in return: at the time of installation the same number of lambdas for the NREN and for the partner Reserve half of the DWDM channels for the partner Cover maintenance costs for the optical equipment Apart of the fiber pair we’ve got (provided by the partner): Cable/fiber maintenance (max 8 hours repair time) Hosting/collocation of the equipment No commercial contract between the NREN and the partner – negotiations for more than 2 years (2003-2006) – not possible without political support!!
The Optical Network about 6000 km of fiber
The costs Quite close to the calculations from SEEFIRE for equipment (5.6 MEuros incl. taxes) 4300 km of fiber in 46 segments 56 sites (ROADM: 18, ADM: 23, Amplifiers: 15) 79 lambdas installed (10 Gbps Ethernet or SDH) Operation and maintenance: For the fiber – done by the partner according to the agreement For the equipment – done by RoEduNet :: contract with Felix Telecom
Operation and Maintenance Romanian Education and Research Network - RoEduNet
Upgrades The network has been extended: From 4300 to 5600 km From 56 sites to 69 The national backbone upgraded to 100 Gbps (six lambdas, one for each main NOC)
Conclusions Lessons learned Thank you - Questions Discover the underused resources (DF), push for the contribution to the education of the nation Make a good deal and, most important, a fair one for all partners Try to understand the needs of the partner(s) and, if possible, don’t hesitate to help, sometime you will have the service returned Do not compete with partners of with ISPs Thank you - Questions