Ethics for engineering: some experiences Fernando Galindo, University of Zaragoza, Spain Information and Communication Technologies: Teaching of e-government Işık University Istambul (Turkey) 3rd February 2007
Summary The subject Objectives Learning outcomes & competences Contents Workload and ECTS Planning for an educational module
The subject A non-technical optional subject in the degree studies of Computer Science Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Industrial Engineering at the Higher Engineering School of Zaragoza. It has been taught the last ten academic courses. Groups of students every course Students of the last year Duration: one semester
Objectives To clarify the professional rights, obligations, and limits of engineers in a practical way, covering the following areas: The norms established by law, especially those which regulate the professional activities of engineers in Europe The prescriptions included in the practice codes To present the principles shown by the theory of knowledge, with special emphasis on systems theory, cybernetics and communicative action To habituate to the engineers to the main arguments of current legislation and ethics of a democratic culture
Learning outcomes & competences (I) Key subject specific competences Key generic competences Understanding of data protection Decision making Using ICT in researchCritical and self-critical abilities Presenting information visually and orally Ethical commitment Producing Written Reports Research skills
Learning outcomes & competences (II) Subject specific competences and learning outcomes Rating of impor- tance order Short name of the subject specific competence Extended description of the competence Learning outcomes 1Presenting information visually and orally To habituate them to the main arguments of current legislation and ethics of a democratic culture by the practical presentation of positions in this respect 2Producing Written Reports To present how to register a mark, for example 3Understanding of data protection To clarify the professional rights, obligations, and limits of engineers in a practical way in the knowledge society, taking as reference the data protection law, covering the following areas: The norms established by law, especially those which regulate the professional activities of engineers in Europe The prescriptions included in the practice codes 4Using ICT in researchTo know and to apply the principles shown by the theory of knowledge, with special emphasis on systems theory, cybernetics and communicative action
Contents Engineer Activities Introduction: social and political consequences of the engineering practice Activities: a) Problem study; b) Project; c) Decision making or Activities and consent Laws and safety measures Safety standards Rights and duties of engineers Intellectual property Responsibility The regulation of the professional practice from a compared perspective Codes of practice Definition Ethics of efficiency Ethics of impartiality Communicative ethics Professional codes Programme of laboratory practices A case solution Carrying out a project Registering a patent or a trade mark Creating a code of practice
Workload and ECTS 3 ECTS = 90 student work hours One lecture per week Tutorials Laboratory Practical work Examination: Exam on theoretical knowledge (75% of the result) Carrying out a practical test (25% of the result)
Planning for an educational module (I) Programme of Studies.- Optative course in Engineering Studies. U. Zaragoza Name of the course unit.- Ethics an legislation for engineers Type of course (e.g. major, minor, elective).- Elective Level of the module /course unit (e.g. BA, MA, PhD).- BA Prerequisites.- Engineering sudents Number of ECTS credits.- 3 ECTS (average student working time: 90 hours) Competentes to be developed 1. Presenting information visually and orally 2. Producing Written Reports 3. Understanding of data protection 4. Using ICT in research
Planning for an educational module (II) Learning outcomesEducational activitiesEstimated student work time in hours Assessment 1. To present information visually and orally Lectures and practices Reading assignment House work Personal reflection Students must do a written exam and a practical work -The grade is between 1 and 10, passing who obtains five points at least -The grade is the average of the written exam, the oral presentation of the practice and the written work on the practice, being indispensable to pass the written exam -The written exam consists on two questions about the program --The minimum extension of the written work on the practice is 5000 words 2. To produce Written Reports Lectures and practices Reading assignment House work Personal reflection To understand on data protection Lectures and practices Reading assignment House work Personal reflection To know how to use ICT in research Lectures and practices Reading assignment House work Personal reflection 5 10 Total number hours90
Bibliography BONDIA ROMAN, F.: Propiedad intelectual, su significado en la sociedad de la información. Trivium, Madrid, 1988 CAVAZOS, E., A.; MORIN, G.: Cyber-space and the Law. Your Rights and Duties in the On- Line world. Cambridge, MIT Press, 1995 HEREDERO HIGUERAS, M.; ALVAREZ RICO, M., (eds.):Legislación informática. Madrid, Tecnos, 1994 JOHNSON, D.G.: Computer Ethics. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1985 MARTIN, M.W., SCHINZINGER, R.: Ethics in Engineering. New York, McGraw Hill, 1989 MATURANA, H.R.; VARELA, F.G.: El árbol del conocimiento. Santiago de Chile, Editorial Universitaria, 1988 PASTOR, J.; DELGADO, J.; GALINDO, F.(eds.): Criptografía, Privacidad y Autodeterminación informativa. Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad, Zaragoza, 1995 WINOGRAD, T.; FLORES, F.: Understanding Computers and Cognition. A new Foundation for Design. Reading, Addison Wesley, 1986