1 IT420: Database Management and Organization SQL part 3 7 February 2006 Adina Crăiniceanu
2 Announcements Exam next Tuesday 2 hours Closed book/closed notes No computers Covers all material Labs returned on Friday
3 Previously SQL DDL: Data Definition Language CREATE, DROP, ALTER DML: Data Manipulation Language INSERT DELETE UPDATE SELECT
4 Today More about SELECT
5 The SQL SELECT Statement Basic SQL Query: SELECT[DISTINCT] column_name(s) FROMtable_name(s) [WHEREconditions] [ORDER BYsome_column_names [ASC/DESC] ] *Terms between [ ] are optional
6 WHERE Clause Options AND, OR IN, NOT IN, BETWEEN =, >,, >= SELECT SNb FROM Students S, Enrolled E WHERE S.SNb = E.Nb AND E.Cid NOT IN (‘ComSci’, ‘Math’)
7 Calculations in SQL Simple arithmetic Five SQL aggregate operators: COUNT SUM AVG MIN MAX
8 Find the age of the youngest student Students(Alpha, LName, FName, Class, Age) SELECT MIN(Age) FROM Students
9 Aggregate Operators So far, aggregate operations applied to all (qualifying) rows We want to apply them to each of several groups of rows Students(Alpha, LName, SName, Class, Age) Find the age of the youngest student for each class
10 Example Students(Alpha, LName, FName, Class, Age) Find the age of the youngest student for each class If class values go from 1 to 4 we can write 4 queries that look like this: SELECT MIN (S.Age) FROM Students S WHERE S.Class = i
11 GROUP-BY Clause SELECT grouping_columns(s), aggregates FROM table_name(s) [WHERE conditions] GROUP BY grouping_columns SELECT Class, MIN(Age) FROM Students GROUP BY Class
12 Conceptual Evaluation SQL query semantics: Compute the cross-product of table_names Discard resulting rows if they fail conditions Delete columns that are not specified in SELECT Remaining rows are partitioned into groups by the value of the columns in grouping-columns One answer row is generated per group Note: Does not imply query will actually be evaluated this way!
13 GROUP BY Exercise Students(Alpha, LName, FName, Class, Age) For each last name, find the number of students with same last name
14 HAVING Clause SELECT [grouping_columns(s), aggregates FROM table_name(s) [WHERE conditions] GROUP BY grouping_columns HAVING group_conditions HAVING restricts the groups presented in the result
15 Example SELECT Class, MIN(Age) FROM Students WHERE MajDeptName = ‘ComSci’ GROUP BY Class HAVING Class > 2 What does the query compute?
16 Another GROUP BY Example SKU_DATA(SKU, SKU_description, Buyer, Department) SELECTDepartment, COUNT(*) AS Dept_SKU_Count FROMSKU_DATA WHERESKU <> GROUP BY Department HAVING COUNT (*) > 1 ORDER BYDept_SKU_Count;
17 Select students with age higher than average SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Age > AVG(Age) Illegal!
18 Subqueries SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Age > (SELECT AVG(Age) FROM Students) Second select is a subquery (or nested query) You can have subqueries in FROM or HAVING clause also
19 Subqueries Exercise Students(Alpha, LName, FName, Class, Age) Enroll(Alpha, CourseID, Semester, Grade) 1.Find alpha for students enrolled in both ‘IT420’ and ‘IT334’ 2.Find name of students enrolled in both ‘IT420’ and ‘IT334’
20 Class Exercise Students(Alpha, LName, FName, Class, Age) Enroll(Alpha, CourseID, Semester, Grade) Find the name of students enrolled in ‘IT420’ Usual way Use subqueries
21 SELECT FName, LName FROM Students S WHERE S.Alpha IN (SELECT Alpha FROM Enroll E WHERE E.CourseID = ‘IT420’)
22 Correlated Subqueries SELECT FName, LName FROM Students S WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Enroll E WHERE E.CourseID = ‘IT420’ AND E.Alpha = S.Alpha)
23 Subqueries versus Joins Subqueries and joins both process multiple tables. Subquery can only be used to retrieve data from the top table. Join can be used to obtain data from any number of tables Correlated subquery can do work that is not possible with joins.
24 Class Exercise What does this query compute: SELECT FName, LName FROM Students S, Enroll E1, Enroll E2 WHERE S.Alpha = E1.Alpha AND S.Alpha = E2.Alpha AND E1.CourseID = ‘IT420’ AND E2.CourseID = ‘IT344’
25 JOIN ON Syntax Students(Alpha, LName, FName, Class, Age) Courses(CourseID, Description, Textbook) Enroll(Alpha, CourseID, Semester, Grade) Find the names of students enrolled in ‘IT420’ SELECT LName, FName FROM Students S JOIN Enroll C ON S.Alpha = C.Alpha WHERE CourseID = ‘IT420’ Find the names of students enrolled in ‘Database Management’
26 Multiple JOIN ON Find the names of students enrolled in ‘Database Management’ SELECTLName, FName FROMEnroll E JOIN Courses C ON E.CourseID = C.CourseID JOIN Students ON E.Alpha = S.Alpha WHERE C.Description = ‘Database Management’
27 Outer Joins Find all students and courses in which they are enrolled SELECT S.Alpha, S.LName, S.FName, E.CourseID FROM Students S LEFT JOIN Enrolled E ON S.Alpha = E.Alpha
28 Class Exercise Students(Alpha, LName, FName, Class, Age) Courses(CourseID, Description, Textbook) Enroll(Alpha, CourseID, Semester, Grade) Find the age of youngest student older than 18, for each course with at least one such student enrolled in it