Reading Assignment: Rabaey: Chapter 9 ELEC 516 VLSI System Design and Design Automation Spring 2010 Lecture 11 – Self-time and asynchronous design Reading Assignment: Rabaey: Chapter 9 Note: some of the figures in this slide set are adapted from the slide set of “ Digital Integrated Circuits” by Rabaey, Copyright UCB 2002
Characteristic of synchronous design Function of clock Ensure physical timing constraints Clock events serve as a logical ordering mechanism Advantages Easy to design, only need to satisfy some simple timing requirement, such as setup time, hold time of the latch/FF Use clock as global signal Disadvantages Clock skew problem Noise problems due to current flows over a very short period of time, close to the clock edge Performance is worse, worst case timing instead of average case timing
Asynchronous design Eliminate the use of all clocks Advantage of asynchronous design Clock skew free Average case timing Low power consumption due to elimination of the global clock Lower voltage noise and electromagnetic emission Supports ‘plug & play’ property. Each sub-system of asynchronous circuit only needs to care the synchronization with neighborhood sub-systems. Need to ensure a correct circuit operation that avoids all potential race condition under any operation condition and
Self-timed and asynchronous design
Self-timed pipelined datapath
Handshaking Protocol for self-timed system Use of Ack(nowledge) and Req(uest) signals An input word arrives, and a Req signal to the following block (F1) is raised. If F1 is inactive at the time, it transfer the data and acknowledges this fact to the input buffer, which can go ahead and fetch the next word. F1 is enabled by raising the Start signal. After the computation is completed, the done signal goes high A Req signal is then issued to F2. If this function is free, an Ack is raised, the output value is transferred, and F1 is freed and can go ahead with its next computation
Completion Signal Generation
Completion Signal Generation
Completion Signal in DCVSL
Self-timed Adder
Completion Signal Using Current Sensing
Hand-Shaking Protocol Two Phase Handshake
Event Logic – The Muller-C Element
2-Phase Handshake Protocol Advantage : FAST - minimal # of signaling events (important for global interconnect) Disadvantage : edge - sensitive, has state
Example: Self-timed FIFO All 1s or 0s -> pipeline empty Alternating 1s and 0s -> pipeline full
2-Phase Protocol
Example From [Horowitz]
4-Phase Handshake Protocol Also known as RTZ Slower, but unambiguous
4-Phase Handshake Protocol Implementation using Muller-C elements
Self-Resetting Logic Post-charge logic
Clock-Delayed Domino
Asynchronous-Synchronous Interface
Synchronizers and Arbiters Arbiter: Circuit to decide which of 2 events occurred first Synchronizer: Arbiter with clock f as one of the inputs Problem: Circuit HAS to make a decision in limited time - which decision is not important Caveat: It is impossible to ensure correct operation But, we can decrease the error probability at the expense of delay
A Simple Synchronizer • Data sampled on rising edge of the clock • Latch will eventually resolve the signal value, but ... this might take infinite time!
Synchronizer: Output Trajectories Single-pole model for a flip-flop
Mean Time to Failure
Cascaded Synchronizers Reduce MTF
PLL-Based Synchronization
PLL Block Diagram
Phase Detector Output before filtering Transfer characteristic
Phase-Frequency Detector
PFD Response to Frequency
PFD Phase Transfer Characteristic
Charge Pump
PLL Simulation
Clock Generation using DLLs Delay-Locked Loop (Delay Line Based) fREF U Phase Det Charge Pump DL D Filter fO Phase-Locked Loop (VCO-Based) fREF U PD CP VCO D ÷N Filter fO
Delay Locked Loop
DLL-Based Clock Distribution