Rivers and Streams
What is the continental divide?
North Carolina Rivers 17 river basins, 4 entirely in NC
Headwaters Headwaters- the place where a river begins The Cape Fear river begins south of Greensboro, where the Haw and Deep rivers meet.
Stream Erosion Load- the sediment carried by a stream, Suspended load can make water appear muddy or dirty.
Stream Deposition Deltas & Alluvial Fans- Formed from stream deposition and can create new land. Are formed when the speed of the stream slows, near the mouth of the stream Deltas are in the water and alluvial fans are on land
Canyon Formation When the land around a stream uplifts and the stream continues to cut into the original stream bed canyons can form.
Floods Discharge- volume of water flowing through a stream at any given time Snow and rainfall can cause increased discharge Floodplain- an area along a river created from sediments deposited when the river overflowed its banks The new sediment is usually good for farming
Changing Stream Flow Dams- barriers that redirect water flow; water can be stored for drinking, or used for electricity Channel Alteration: Dredging- digging the channel of a river deeper Levees- barriers made from soil; can cause water to run faster downstream and can break or be over topped
Dam Levee
Hoover Dam
Congratulations! You’ve just inherited a piece of riverfront property and 3 million dollars. Make a list of ways you could use the land and money You will be making your “piece of property” any way you wish