Knowledge for welfare and health National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health ELECT Project ELECT- European Learning Communities for Training of people with Mental Ilness ELECT-CONSORTIUM MEETING 3 Munchen 3-5 th November 2008 Ville Grönberg This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Grant agreement: / 001 – 001
Knowledge for welfare and health National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Progress report ELECT project has to submit two reports: progres report and the final report. Progres report has now been submitted! Progres report reporting period is Report includes: Confidential part, Public part and outcomes/results of the project Both reports will be evaluated by the Commission. The rating values run fron 0 to10. Values 5-6 are acceptable, 7-8 Good, 9-10 Very good.
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outcomes and results of the ELECT project /2 Management Workpackage Intranet solution - Elect blog The ELECT steering group meeting Project consortium meeting 1, Project consortium meeting 2 (facilitating detailed project planning) Partner agreement s Activation and Motivation WP The survey of existing study practices in Clubhouses (questionnaire, results + analysis) Clubhouse member trainees' educational needs and goals (questionnaire + results) Support Methods for Education and Training WP Existing study support methods (questionnaire + summary) Expert consultations on mental health and studying (two lectures) Elect Project
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outcomes and results of the ELECT project /2 Training of trainers WP Planning of the pilot course (draft program, application form) Quality and Evaluation WP Interim report Dissemination and Exploitation The project website and statistics, Project brochures (seven language versions) The project newsletter 1/2008, The project newsletter 2/2008 The Article in the Mental Health Europe newsletter Newspaper article in Icelandic Newspaper Contribution to the Mental Health Europe seminar 4
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Challenges for the second half of the project Management Workpackage Planning of the ELECT 2 project (by ) Project meetings Final report Activation and Motivation WP CSCL courses (2) + feedback Report of good practices Members educational goals and needs report analysis Learning pathways and plans Final report of the workpackage (summary of activities & results) 5
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Challenges for the second half of the project Support Methods for Education and Training WP Cooperation with educ. instit. (pilot CHs in each country) + excursions to educational instititutions Final report (support methods) Training of trainers WP Pilot Course + feedback, Curriculum of the Supported education Quality and Evaluation WP Collecting information, Final report Dissemination and Exploitation Newsletters (3 & 4), participating to the Clubhouse seminars and other events 6
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health7 ELECT-project contact information Management/Coordination: Ville Grönberg Project Manager Stakes Innovative Employment initiatives –group Stakes P.O Box 220 (Lintulahdenkuja 4 – street address) FI Helsinki Finland Mobile Tel Fax Reports & payments Anu Laakkonen Financial secretary ( ) Stakes Innovative Employment initiatives –group Stakes P.O Box 220 (Lintulahdenkuja 4 – street address) FI Helsinki, Finland Tel Fax