Witham Valley Access Project Promoting safe cycling & walking Presented by The Project Team
Agenda Welcome Safety notice Introduction Current position Goals – Footpath/Cyclepath to the River – Footpath/Cyclepath on Fiskerton Road – Access to the Water Rail Way – Open up access to the Hawthorn Road Estate Presentation by Groundwork Lincolnshire Next Steps Open Discussion
Introduction The Witham Valley Access Project Members of the Audience Any Representations Questionnaire Results
Cherry Willingham Village Appraisal February 2000 (returned by 260 households: 579 people’s views represented) Transport 9.Would you support the introduction of safe cycle routes for leisure purposes? Yes 235No 18Blank 7 10.Would you support the introduction of safe cycle routes into Lincoln? Yes 235No 15Blank Are there any other ways in which you would like to see the safety of cyclists/pedestrians/the disabled improved? Most common concerns Bad cycling habits 34Speeding 30Need for cyclepaths 17 More & better footpaths 35Better lighting 10Bad parking 17 Cutting of hedges 11
Cherry Willingham Cycleways and Footpaths Questionnaire May 2007 (returned by 174 households: 421 people’s views represented)
Current Position
Footpath/Cyclepath to the River
Footpath/Cyclepath to the River
Footpath/Cyclepath on Fiskerton Road
Access to the Water Rail Way
Open up access to the Hawthorn Road Estate
Groundwork Lincolnshire
Next Steps Approach DEFRA re the original river access Request a breakdown of the costings for a cycle/footpath along the Fiskerton Road Continue the efforts to obtain land on behalf of the village Investigate old maps in the archives You can help by signing the petition, writing a letter of support to MPs, Highways and environmental agencies, joining the team
Open Discussion Discussion of the four objectives Questions Comments Views
Footpath/Cyclepath to the River
Footpath/Cyclepath on Fiskerton Road
Access to the Water Rail Way
Open up access to the Hawthorn Road Estate
Contact Numbers Anne Welburn – Phone: Jenny Robinson – Phone: Web Sites – – atId= atId=12427 THANK YOU FOR COMING! PLEASE: Return response forms, sign petition, write a letter of support, and stay to chat if you can.