WELCOME TO People Management in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry Tom Baum
On completion of the Module participants will be able to demonstrate understanding of: The legal, social and economic context within which people management is located Strategic HRM and talent management so as to enable them to undertake leadership roles within their organisations to better effect. The role of people management within successful hospitality and tourism businesses The likely impact of economic, social and demographic trends on the recruitment and management of talent within hospitality and tourism
Our focus will include….. Providing a practical understanding of talent management and succession planning Giving an appreciation of core aspects of self awareness and their own strengths and weaknesses and how these might affect their managerial interaction with others. Recognising different styles of behaviour in groups and the implications these have for group interaction, communication and task performance.
Analysing the elements of interaction with others that lead to effective management, and understand the implications of personal strengths and weaknesses in this context. Understanding the nature of group dynamics and interaction in the workforce Recognising alternative ways of thinking appropriate to different management tasks, by developing an understanding of personal thinking styles. Identifying key personal issues and their potential effect on the process of implementation in organisations.
So, a starting question “Who are the people in the industry worldwide?”
Diversity Varied business in terms of Location Size Ownership Function/ products/ services And, above all, its PEOPLE
The mixed nature of work in hospitality and tourism….. International focus Rapid upward mobility opportunities Challenging work “Glamorous” image Seasonal work, variable demand cycle Full-time, part-time, outsourced, seasonal Low skills, labour intensive Poorly trained staff at all levels with poor investment in training Impact of changing industry structure and technology Impact of globalisation
People Management
The HRM Cycle 1. Attract an effective workforce human resource planning/labour markets recruitment and selection 2. Maintain an effective work force motivation and team work rewards and welfare labour relations, e.g. the role of trade unions grievance and disciplinary procedures 3. Develop an effective workforce training and development appraisal
THE CONTEXT OF PEOPLE MANAGEMENT IN HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM Historical Structural Political Economic Socio-cultural Technological
Thank You! Discussion.