Bus Man
HRM is defined as the management of the employment relationship- the relationship between the organisation and the employee. Broadly speaking it covers establishing, maintaining and terminating employment.
Human resources focuses on the people within the business (employees) who need to not only know what they are doing but want to be there doing it (they should be motivated and have the necessary skills.) The management function of human resource function has replaced personnel management in most Large scale organisations Modern personnel managers have become HRM practitioners. The HRM school of thought looks back at personnel management as a narrow area of management concerned only with recruiting staff and keeping employment records. And as a result over recent years a personnel manager in most large scale organisations has had to take on broader tasks.
HR is affected by developments and trends in four significant contexts, for the most part the contests are all located in the organisations external environment The four contexts are:
Examples of these are changes of employee expectations, more workplace flexibility, greater recognition of the importance of work-life balance and of human diversity in workplaces.
The implementation of new technology impacts on an organisations staff in areas such as allocation of new work tasks training and skill development and changes to the culture of the organisation.
Laws passed by the federal and state governments impact on large organisations in several HR areas. These include occupational health and safety (workcover), employee relations (industrial relations), and equal employment opportunity (anti- discrimination).
ESM has become more significant to all functional areas including HR.
Ongoing developments in the four contexts make it imperative that management take a broad perspective and become more sophisticated and skilled in its management of people. This challenging responsibility is the function of human resource managers.