Illness Behavior & Dr - Pt Relationship
Illness Behavior 20% of the patients neglect their illness
I am a patient I am weak I need help
Causes of Denial of Illness It is not easy for the patient to show his weakness Doctor’s authority
Illness Behavior Factors Affecting Illness Behavior Gender Age Race Learned behavior Accessibility to health services Symptom presentation Lay beliefs Social Class Previous experience Trigger factors Locus of control
Factors Affecting Illness Behavior Symptoms : severity of the symptom Patient ideas & understanding about the symptom Patient previous experience with this symptom
Factors Affecting Illness Behavior Accessibility to Medical services
Physical barriers can make health facilities difficult to reach H
Factors Affecting Illness Behavior Previous experience with health services ???
Bureaucratic barrier can make health services difficult to obtain H
Illness Behavior Learned behavior Somatic complain Inappropriate reaction (Pt. Family & Dr.) Somatic fixation
Trigger Factors Another Interpersonal Crisis
Trigger Factors Effect of the Problem on Pt. Activity
Trigger Factors Pressure from Family or Friends
The setting of arbitrary deadline or putting limit Trigger Factors
Illness Behavior Final Message & Conclusions Doctors need to understand illness behavior for proper understanding of their patients Doctors need to explore & acknowledge patient’s believes & worries
Communication Skills
Objectives: To improve your skills in exploring and acknowledgement of patient’s thoughts and feelings. To increase your awareness about your patients’ verbal and nonverbal cues. To help you to develop new communication skills in order to deal with your patients’ cues. Communication Skills
Exercise 4 Write down three words that best describe the way you want to be perceived by your patients: 1)……… 2) ………… 3)………. Write how can you use your communication skills to convey this message? 1) …………… ) ……………
Who is the patient ?! Awareness of Patients’ verbal and Nonverbal Cues
Classification of Communication Skills Verbal communications Nonverbal communications
Communication Skills Verbal communications How to formulate questions Discussion, explanation & Advice Understanding pt. verbal cues
Verbal communications How to formulate questions Direct Qs (Yes or No) Suggestive Qs Why Qs Many Qs at a time Indirect Qs (Open-ended Qs)
Communication Skills Nonverbal communications 1- Body language & Facial expression 2- Appearance 3- Touch 4- Paralanguage 5- Body bubble 6- Environment
Verbal communication for tilling information, but nonverbal communication for negotiation Verbal communication nonverbal communication Reference: (McCaskey 1979 )Rakel 10% of communications 90% of communications
Nonverbal Communication is an universal language
Mind & Body
Body Language Facial Expression
Body Language Hand to face Expression
Body Language Hand Expression
Body Language Body Posture
Body Posture
Body Language Touch
The effect of touch
Communications Paralanguage Velocity Volume Tone Pause Others
Body Language Body Bubble ????
Body Bubble cm 46 cm m 1.2 m m More then 3.6 Public zone Social zonePrivate zone Intimate zone
Communications Environment Dr. Pt. Couch
Communications Environment
Discuss the advantage of this style of communications ???
Doctor - Patient Relationship
Doctors - Patient Relationship Why doctors need to have a positive relationship with their pt. ??? How dose this relationship start & how it progress ??? What are the skill needed to build a positive relationship ???
Doctors - Patient Relationship Why ??? For the patient care & satisfaction For doctor satisfaction For effective use of resources
Doctors - Patient Relationship
Patient positive role
Doctors - Patient Relationship How ??? Professional relationship personal relationship Intimate relationship
To Establish & To Maintain Dr-Pt Relationship Welcoming the Patient Showing respect
To Establish & To Maintain Dr-Pt Relationship “ Don’t waste my time, just say yes or no” The ability tolisten to listen
Doctor - Patient Relationship Understanding & Empathy
Review of Consultation Models
Hospital Model of Consultation
Complete history, physical Examination & Investigations ?!
Psychosocial component of the physical problems.
Byrne & Long 1976 Patient Centered Doctor Centered Consultation Consultation Use of pt’s knowledge and experience SilenceClarification Listening Interpretation Reflection Use of doctor’s special skills and knowledge Analyzing Gathering Probing Information
The Real Reason for Consultation Failure to explore the real reason of patient problem is the main reason of consultation failure (Byrne & Long 1976)
The Expanded Model of Consultation Management of Presenting Problem Management of Continuous Problem Modification of Help Seeking Behavior Opportunistic health Promotion (Stott & Davis 1979)
Modification of Help Seeking Behavior The child as the presenting complain Frequent attender Somatic patient
Modification of Help Seeking Behavior Sick Role Secondary gain
Modification of Help Seeking Behavior Denial Poor Compliance
Modification of Help Seeking Behavior Hidden agenda Displacement
Pendleton 7 Tasks 1.To define the real reasons for pt attendance 2.To consider other problems 3.To choose with the pt. appropriate action for each problem 4.To achieve a share understanding 5.To involve pt. in the management 6.To use time & resources effectively 7.To establish & maintain Dr.-pt. relationship
Patient’s Ideas :
Patient’s Concern :
Patient’s Expectation Explanation
Skills Needed To Explore the Real Reasons for Pt. Attendance Open ended questions Indirect questions Use of silence Recognition of pt cues Immediate response to pt. cues Confrontation Reflection Probing Summarization
Pendleton Third Task With the patient to choose an appropriate action for each problem. Why
With the patient to choose an appropriate action for each problem Patient responsibility Patient compliance
Pendleton Fourth Task With the patient to achieve shared understanding of the problem DoctorPatient Knowledge Questions Doubts Theories Experience Knowledge Questions Doubts Theories Experience
Pendleton Fourth Task With the patient to reach Shared Understanding of the Problem
The patient has the right to know all important details
Pendleton Fifth Task To involve patient in the management
Pendleton Sixth Task To use time & resources appropriately
Pendleton Seventh Task To Establish & Maintain Dr.-Pt. Relationship
Final Message & Conclusions A lot of practice is needed to be able adopt the proper consultation model