Skeletal System Disorders By: Ericka Jacobs 2A
Spina Bifida by: Lelani Birth defect that involves the incomplete development of the spine. Signs-collection of fat, skin discoloration, abnormal tuft of hair.
Scoliosis by: Samantha Abnormal curving of the spine. Signs-uneven shoulders and waist
Dislocations by: Laura A joint injury that forces the ends of your bones out of positions Signs- swollen joints and the joint immovable
Blount’s disease by: Raegan A.k.a Tibia vara Growth disorder with the disorder in the tibia Signs- one or both legs goes inward, loss of alignment, and arthritis can occur later on
Osteonecrosis by: Brannen Blood doesn’t go to the bone and the blood collapses Signs-pain in the joints and limping
Fractures by: donte A medical term for a broken bone Signs-swelling, bruising, deformity
Talipes Equinovorous by: Zachary When the foot turns inward or downward Signs-one or both feet might be infected
Osteomalacia by:Kruti Softening of bone due to lack of vitamin disease Signs-one fractures, muscle weakness
Osteochondritis Dissecans by:Andru Chipped cartilage in the joints Signs-pain in physical activity, swelling, weakness
Osgood Schlatter’s Disease by: CJ Pain lump below the kneecap in kids during growth period Signs-pain, swelling, tenderness
Paget’s Disease by: Noel Bones grow too large and weak Signs-pain, enlarged bones
Osteomyelitis by: Jessica Inflammation of the bone marrow Signs-bone pain, fever, chills
Gout by: Jonathan Painful inflammation of certain joints Signs-pain in joints; fever; areas of gout are warm, red, tender or swollen
Poliomyetitis by: Sean Viral disease that targets the nervous system Signs-stiff neck, red throat, abnormal reflexes, vomiting
Chondromalacia by: Taylor The abnormal softness of the cartilage in the patella Sign-popping or cracking sounds when the knee is flexed
Rheumatoid Arthritis by: Kathy Chronic inflammatory disorder in the small joints Signs-Morning stiffness, chest pain, joint pain, dye eyes and mouth
Leukemia by: Arinna Cancer of the blood cells Signs-fatigue, fever, weight loss, hyper-bleeding
Ewing’s Sarcoma by: Alexis Tumor that grows in the bone or soft tissue Signs-Fever, fatigue, loss of appetite
Osteogenesis Imperfecta by: Ashley Extremely fragile bones Signs-Bone fragility
Coxa Vara by: Alexis E. A deformity in which an inward curvature of the hip Signs-stiffness, one leg may be shorter
Kyphosis by: John Curving of the spine that causes bowing Signs-fatigue, back pain, hunchback appearance www.
Lordosis by: Ericka Abnormal curvature of the spine in the lumbar region. Signs-Back pain and discomfort, appearing swayback, having a large back between the lower back and the floor www.