Teaching Oral Language
What do you currently do to teach oral Language in your class? Write down one thing that works really well in your class. Share your strategy with your group. Summarise & report back
We use language in different ways Relationships Interpersonal Transactions Socio-cultural Language structures & features Participate in or create Communication Aesthetic Learning how to learn Knowledge Listen to, read/view & respond Giving information Informational Getting information Processing & using information
Activities that teach the informational use of language Barrier games Sequencing activities Whole group Small group Individual efforts
What works for you? Write down one activity to teach the informational use of language that has worked for you.
Activities to teach the Aesthetic use of language Songs, chants, rhymes & nursery rhymes Tongue twisters – having fun with language Listening to and telling stories Innovating on texts
Activities to teach the interpersonal use of language Role plays – practicing what to say Telephone Situational language eg messages to teachers, shop, front office, doctors etc Rehearsing – teaching kids how to rehearse in their heads
The Active Teacher 1. Knows the kids & Plans for their needs 3. - Helps kids to understand what they are going to learn & how to go about it - Provides models of English & helps kids with English when they are using it The students & teachers build positive, communicative relationships as they work together The Active Learner The Learning Context – classroom, program, teacher & students 4. Takes risks & uses English to learn 6. Can talk about what s/he is doing & what s/he has learnt 2. Provides a reason for kids to use English 5. Supports the kids’ learning to help them take risks Adapted from WTT, Fran Murray