Education Area Profiling Kadhem Jallab TWRI Policy and Research October 2012
TWRI: was the sub-regional Research unit worked on behalf of the Cities of Newcastle Upon Tyne and Sunderland and the Metropolitan Boroughs of Gateshead, North and South Tyneside. Produced 2001 Census Fact Cards and also Developed Area Profiling System Fact Card or Area Profile? Area Profiling
Hard Copy/PDF or Interactive/Map 2001 Census, we did all of the above. –Lots of work, but we had resources! –For 2011 still lots of work, but fewer resources! –All of the above have users/uses… Area Profiling
What Data? A Data Warehouse? - data cleansing and management - To make data available in consistent way - Data security and currency - To support various Policy Work Area Profiling
datasets for all LAs and some other Geographies: –2001 Census Data –Demographics –Economic –Crime, Fire, Ambulance, Probation... –Social (including Index of Deprivation) –Health What Data? Area Profiling
What Geographies ? -Regional?? -LEP -Districts -Wards -Output Areas -Super OAs -Special geographies Area Profiling
OTHER GEOGRAPHICAL UNITS Individual communities Neighbourhoods Pre-set areas used by Councils Police Beats Neighbourhood Renewal Areas Area Profiling
What USERS ? Education Social Services Regeneration Planning Housing Environmental/Neighbourhood Services Community safety Area Profiling
What USES OF AP Performance Monitoring Policy Development Service Planning Targets Bidding Applications Bench Marking Information Sharing Area Profiling
OTHER USES Informing locality planning For reference Answering specific area data queries External funding Extract of data for proof of concept Needs Assessment Area Profiling
What PROFILE(S) ? Economic Education Crime Housing Social +++ Area Profiling
Census Topic Reports? Car Ownership Economic Activity and Employment Ethnicity & Religion Housing Migration Residents and their Jobs Skills Area Profiling
Map based system Web-based to reach large number of users Ability to personalise content securely for different user types custom tables and summary profiles with local, regional & national comparisons for one or more selected areas Area Profiling
Selection by various methods inc. maps direct access to raw data visualisation of spatial patterns and hot spots explore multiple scenarios Map based system/Benefits Area Profiling
Stages in Creating a Census Fact Card Create a Word mail merge template The data is “poured” in from an Excel spread sheet with variable names matching that in the Word mail merge template Area Profiling
With the template created and the Excel data ready, the two are mail merged in Word. cross-checked to ensure the right data is placed with right data description. the resultant fact cards can be published as individual word or PDF documents on your website. Custom areas can be created by summing OA data & then adding this data to the Excel data source. Area Profiling
Each row in the spreadsheet becomes one fact card for each area. Area Profiling
Plan and Prioritise Involve Partners Area Profiling
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