21 st CCLC Fall Conference Interactive Keynote
Our Conversations Quality Instructional Staff Quality Instructional Staff Data Management Data Management AYP/AZ Learns Report AYP/AZ Learns Report Targeting “At-risk” Students Targeting “At-risk” Students Immediate Shifts in School Culture Immediate Shifts in School Culture
Quality Instructional Staff – Challenges Getting quality teachers for after-school program Getting quality teachers for after-school program Teacher burn-out Teacher burn-out Time for collaboration Time for collaboration One more class to teach One more class to teach Conflicts with other professional development (after school) Conflicts with other professional development (after school) Losing hope Losing hope
Quality Instructional Staff – Opportunities Recruiting Staff Recruiting Staff Badge of Honor – application process Badge of Honor – application process Rotation of Staff Rotation of Staff Week/Semester Week/Semester “Canned” Curriculum “Canned” Curriculum Rely on your experts to identify priority areas and interventions Rely on your experts to identify priority areas and interventions Focus, focus, focus Focus, focus, focus Create curriculum and resources that can be replicated each year Create curriculum and resources that can be replicated each year
Quality Instructional Staff – Opportunities Time Time Review your allocation of time Review your allocation of time Company people on company time solving company problems Company people on company time solving company problems Establish a Common Vision Establish a Common Vision Common conversations among all teachers Common conversations among all teachers Throw ‘Em a Bone Throw ‘Em a Bone It’s the little things that matter (non-monetary) It’s the little things that matter (non-monetary) Parking, dress down days, sign on door with student achievement milestones, etc. Parking, dress down days, sign on door with student achievement milestones, etc.
Data Management – Challenges Disconnect Disconnect Classroom teacher is not the after-school teacher Classroom teacher is not the after-school teacher Data is cumbersome and overwhelming Data is cumbersome and overwhelming Data rich, implementation poor Data rich, implementation poor
Data Management – Opportunities Awareness of Priorities for All Staff Awareness of Priorities for All Staff AYP math problem AYP math problem Data Management System Data Management System Track individual student deficits, progress Track individual student deficits, progress Focus, focus, focus Focus, focus, focus Spreadsheet Spreadsheet Teacher workroom/common area Teacher workroom/common area Online Online
Campbell High School - Georgia High School Graduation Test (Math ) All StudentsBlackHispanicWhite Students with Disabilities (SWD) Economically Disadvantaged (ED) Number of Students in Subgroup ** % of Students – Meets + Exceeds 82.5% (279)81.0% (136)69.4% (43)94.3% (66)48.0% (12)80.2% (146) Is Meets + Exceeds >= 74.9%? (AMO) Did this Subgroup Pass AYP? AMO for this Subgroup – How Many Students? The Difference Between "Pass" and "NI" - How Many Students?
Campbell High School - Georgia High School Graduation Test (Math ) All StudentsBlackHispanicWhite Students with Disabilities (SWD) Economically Disadvantaged (ED) The Difference Between "Pass" and "NI" - How Many Students?
AYP/AZ Learns Report Challenge Challenge Never seen it Never seen it Don’t know how to read it Don’t know how to read it Opportunity Opportunity 30 minutes of your life - make it a priority 30 minutes of your life - make it a priority Start with the principal Start with the principal
Targeting At-Risk Students - Challenges Those who need the help don’t participate Those who need the help don’t participate Competition with other after-school programs Competition with other after-school programs Student attendance Student attendance 7 th and 8 th graders 7 th and 8 th graders
Targeting At-risk Students - Opportunities Family Family Make contact – create a sense of urgency Make contact – create a sense of urgency Create opportunity for frequent conversation with family, progress updates Create opportunity for frequent conversation with family, progress updates Afternoon breakout session (SPE, ELL) Afternoon breakout session (SPE, ELL) Student Student Incentives linked to intended outcome Incentives linked to intended outcome Attendance Attendance Student achievement gains Student achievement gains
Targeting At-risk Students - Incentives Attendance (30+ days) Attendance (30+ days) Picture in common area – Wall of Honor Picture in common area – Wall of Honor Dance Dance Breakfast/lunch with “special person” Breakfast/lunch with “special person” Local high school Local high school Honor assemblies Honor assemblies Achievement gains Achievement gains Link to classroom grade Link to classroom grade
Immediate Shifts in Culture – Family Engagement Parking Parking Language – visitor or guest; family friendly school Language – visitor or guest; family friendly school Signs in lobby, doors, and front offices Signs in lobby, doors, and front offices School marquee School marquee Preach the instructional message to all captive audiences Preach the instructional message to all captive audiences Take the message into the community (churches, community forums, etc.) Take the message into the community (churches, community forums, etc.) Invite a colleague to walk your building Invite a colleague to walk your building
Looking Ahead Materials and contact information to be posted on 21 st CCLC website