WILFRED OWEN Wilfred Owen is an English war veteran famous for his poems that eloquently portrays the true horror of war. These poems are acclaimed not.


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Presentation transcript:

WILFRED OWEN Wilfred Owen is an English war veteran famous for his poems that eloquently portrays the true horror of war. These poems are acclaimed not only because of the vivid descriptions of war but also because of the powerful articulation of the anger and disgust Owen felt towards war’s inhumane nature. Owen was born on March in Oswestry, Shrophire. He began writing poetry when he was a teenager. Had to work to pay for his own school fees to enter university, because his results were not outstanding enough for him to obtain a scholarship

He enlisted on his own, wanting to prevent the loss of the English Language and to protect his country. He enlisted into the army in 1915, and in 1916 was then comissioned as a second liutenant in the Manchester Regiment. In 1917, he was diagnosed with shell shock and was sent to Craiglockhart Hospital. Here he met fellow poet Siegfried Sassoon. Poetry was therapy to Owen and it helped him treat his shellshock. Owen was awarded the military cross for bravery when he decided to return to France in August He returned to war as a leader with a bigger role in directing his men due to his previous experience in the front line. He was killed in action on November 4, 1918, exactly one week before the armistice. He was only 25 years old.

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