OPERATION WALLACEA PERU PRESENTATION AT THE SCHOOL ON THURSDAY, APRIL 17 th AT 6:30PM IN E- 6 For any student interested in joining the Davie County High School biodiversity research expedition to Peru during the summer of 2015 Stay aboard a research vessel travelling up the Amazon River surveying for macaws and estimating populations of tapirs, river dolphins, and game birds. Also assist with fishery surveys to describe the fish communities and complete spotlighting and noosing of three species of caimans.
OPERATION WALLACEA PERU PRESENTATION AT THE SCHOOL ON THURSDAY, APRIL 17 th AT 6:30PM IN E-6 For any student interested in joining the Davie County High School biodiversity research expedition to Peru during the summer of Stay aboard a research vessel travelling up the Amazon River surveying macaws and estimating populations of tapirs, river dolphins, giant river otters, and game birds. Also assist with fishery surveys that describe the fish communities and complete spotlight surveys and noosing of three species of caimans.
OPERATION WALLACEA PERU PRESENTATION AT THE SCHOOL ON THURSDAY, APRIL 17 th at 5:30PM IN [LOCATION] For any student interested in joining the Davie County High School biodiversity research expedition to Peru during the summer of Stay aboard a research vessel travelling up the Amazon River surveying for macaws and estimating populations of tapirs, river dolphins, and game birds. Also assist with fishery surveys to describe the fish communities and complete spotlighting and noosing of three species of caimans.