Faculty Perceptions of Readiness to Teach Online
Introduction Barriers Purpose Research Question Definitions Significance Limitations
Review of Literature Benefits –Students –Institutional –Faculty Theoretical Understanding Teaching Techniques Student Needs Technical Hurdles
Research Questions 1.What factors support faculty self efficacy in readiness to teach online? 2.What factors impede faculty readiness to teach online? 3.What motivations do faculty hold concerning readiness to teach online? 4.What de-motivations do faculty hold concerning readiness to teach online? 5.What are the perceived causes of faculty resistance to web based teaching? 6.What attitudes and beliefs are conducive to faculty teaching online?
Synonymous with hybrid instruction A combination online and face to face instruction, designed to enhance the face to face instructional experience through extension into online activities excluding experiences in which only administrative tools like grade book and posting of files are used. One who refuses to accept some element of change. For this study it refers to faculty who flat out refuse to teach online. Definitions Blended Instruction Hybrid Instruction Laggard
Barriers: Internal Teaching Online Trust in computers Classroom management Openness to change Internal beliefs about teaching How students learn Trust in others Internal
Purpose Attitudes Perceptions Beliefs Factors Teaching Online Self Efficacy
Picture of Readiness to Teach Online
Limitations Faculty Perception Theory External theoretical reliance Focus on late adopters Transferability
Your Turn!
Methods Physical Setting –Interviews –Observations Social Setting Participants and Tasks Instrumentation Data Collection Data Analysis
Fully distance education with 0% face to face meetings between faculty and students. All materials and educational experiences are delivered via the World Wide Web. Synonymous with web-based instruction.The degree to which faculty members hold beliefs that they are skilled, supported and able to teach online. Definitions Online Course Online Teaching Readiness
Barriers: External Working in an online environment Lack of governance Technical infrastructure Time for development Time for training Peers Teaching Online External
Classroom Technology Classroom Response Smart Board Technology Enabled Room Computer Lectern Web Course
Positive Use: Teaching Match student learning styles Facilitates organization Effective use of classroom time Increases feedback