Idioms 成语 American Idioms Which idiom is it?
什么意思??? 人山人海
什么意思??? 人山人海 马马虎虎
什么意思??? 人山人海 马马虎虎 入乡随俗
什么意思??? 人山人海 马马虎虎 入乡随俗 一刻千金
Write 成语 on the blackboard! Think of something good –Something you want translated TRY to translate! (extra postcard!)
Idiom The meaning of the phrase is NOT the same as the meaning of the words!!
Say what? Hey! I’ve got a bone to pick with you! Why are you always pushing my buttons? Well, a little bird told me something about something you did… Don’t beat around the bush! Who do you think I am? Your average Joe? You’ll be sorry!! You are all bark and no bite, go fly a kite!
Pulling my leg… Say Uncle Average Joe Bad Egg Beat around the bush The pot calling the kettle black Ants in your pants Like taking candy from a baby Cat got your tongue?
A picture is worth a thousand words A watched pot never boils All bark and no bite More than one way to skin a cat All your eggs in one basket Ballpark figure Beat around the bush How do you like them apples Go fly a kite The third wheel
Beating a dead horse Beggars can’t be choosers Below the belt Between a rock and a hard place. Bone to pick Squeaky wheel gets the grease Push my buttons A day late and a dollar short. A dime a dozen
Make a story 2 choices: Make a story with idioms in English. Make it funny!!! A few sentences, at least 5 idioms OR make a story with Chinese idioms 成语 “translate” the story into English
Adam’s English class I won’t beat around the bush, Adam’s class is terrible. Whenever I wait for class to end, I look at the clock, but a watched pot never boils, and the class seems to never end. I know that beggars can’t be choosers, but I really wish I had a different foreign teacher! I know I am beating a dead horse by telling you how terrible class is, but I can’t take it!
Chinese holiday Next week, we will have a holiday! I really hope that ten thousand things will be wishes! But to start, it is terrible. At the train station, there are people mountain people ocean! I know that one moment thousand gold, but I wasted so much time waiting for a ticket! I was even late for Adam’s class. I don’t think he noticed…but I am still seven up eight down.