Final Projects Some simple ideas
(1) program that "learns" some aspect of musical composition
(2) fractal music that sounds musical
(3) program that creates engaging new styles
(4) vivaldi music maker (scales, arps, sequences, etc.)
(5) program that sets some of Messiaen's ideas into code
(6) real-time transformation of drawing to music
(7) improvisation program
(8) accompaniment program
(9) re-write masterpieces according to some plan
(10) logically replace one of the elements of known music
(1) performance attributes of given performers
(2) mapping rhythm, texture, harmonic rhythm, etc.
(3) reduction by mathematics
(4) analysis using 2D cellular automata
(5) statistical representation and comparison
(6) analysis of chromatic versus diatonic content of music
(7) tension analyzing program (Hindemith theories?)
(8) relevance of dynamics to pitch, etc. (i.e., cross dependency)
(9) compare some aspect of music to some aspect of non-music
(10) a composer's use of some attribute over an extended period
Short Paper Well-Documented Code Five Sample Outputs
Presentations due last two days of classes
A short break Nancarrow Nancarrow Nancarrow
Representations cope-eventsMGC
cope-events Represent notes (combinations of pitch, ontimes, etc.) Represent notes (combinations of pitch, ontimes, etc.) Not the same as MIDI-events (though they automatically become MIDI-events when they are saved in MIDI files) Not the same as MIDI-events (though they automatically become MIDI-events when they are saved in MIDI files) More humanly readable than MIDI-events. More humanly readable than MIDI-events.
cope-events consist of five or more note properties As in as in ( ) which represents one note. As in as in ( ) which represents one note. Each of the numbers represents a single parameter of a note. Each of the numbers represents a single parameter of a note. cope-events such as the one at top usually occur in lists of such events in order to make music as in ‘(( ) ( )..... cope-events such as the one at top usually occur in lists of such events in order to make music as in ‘(( ) ( ).....
First parameter ontime in 1000s of a second ontime in 1000s of a second 1000 is equal to a quarter note in traditional music notation 1000 is equal to a quarter note in traditional music notation 1009 can produce a mess in music notation but can be rounded using a notation program quantizer 1009 can produce a mess in music notation but can be rounded using a notation program quantizer None of this matters if destination not music notation None of this matters if destination not music notation
Second parameter MIDI note (60 = middle C) MIDI note (60 = middle C) Range usually 24 to 108 Range usually 24 to 108 C octaves are 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108 C octaves are 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108 Therefore, is 7 octaves Therefore, is 7 octaves
Third parameter duration in 1000s of a second duration in 1000s of a second 1000 is equal to a quarter note in traditional music notation 1000 is equal to a quarter note in traditional music notation 1009 can produce a mess in music notation but can be rounded using a notation program quantizer 1009 can produce a mess in music notation but can be rounded using a notation program quantizer None of this matters if destination not music notation None of this matters if destination not music notation
Fourth parameter Channels (1 through16) Channels (1 through16) Channel designation determines the timbre of the sound produced Channel designation determines the timbre of the sound produced Channel timbres are changed in MIDI, not in cope-events Channel timbres are changed in MIDI, not in cope-events Changing timbres requires changing channels Changing timbres requires changing channels
Fifth parameter loudness (0 through127) loudness (0 through127) Also known as velocity or pressure Also known as velocity or pressure No reason for 0 (rest) because rests need not occur explicitly in cope-event notation No reason for 0 (rest) because rests need not occur explicitly in cope-event notation Crescendos and diminuendos do not take place within notes, but over time with many notes. Crescendos and diminuendos do not take place within notes, but over time with many notes.
Six+ parameters Can be used for anything Can be used for anything Are not currently implemented in WACM Are not currently implemented in WACM Good for storing things with notes you want to remember. Good for storing things with notes you want to remember.