Mayview Regional Service Area Planning Process Update on Service Area Plan Stakeholder’s Meeting August 24, 2007
What is the Agenda for Today? Review the updated Service Area Plan – Provide brief background – Summary of activities and current status – Service and system priorities – Proposed timetable Answer your questions Ask for your help
Please Take Note…… This is not the public hearing on the closure We want as many people to have an opportunity to participate as possible in the time allotted We will not discuss individuals We would like to have a productive dialogue Please be patient – we don’t have all the answers yet and don’t want to speculate
Background Goal of MRSAP project is to build stronger community support systems so people can return to their home communities from the state hospital and remain in their home communities pursing their hopes and dreams Who benefits? – People who use behavioral health services, families, county citizens, hospital and community staff….and many more
Who is Involved? Representatives from five counties – Allegheny, Beaver, Greene, Lawrence and Washington People who use behavioral health services Families Advocates Providers State hospital staff Managed care companies
Structure of Process Steering Committee with broad stakeholder representation Assessment and Discharge Planning Committee Finance Committee Quality Improvement Committee Ad hoc committees looking at diversion programs, state-operated community services, tracking and oversight
Focus of Activities Developing CSP process for assessments and discharge planning that maximizes peoples’ choice Developing services and supports necessary for individuals to pursue their recovery goals in the community Developing services to enhance overall community system Planning for sufficient and stable long-term funding to support services
Areas of Emphasis Increased peer mentor involvement Earlier and more substantial participation of community provider staff Easier availability of flexible funds for urgent needs Use of most current information for planning Increased use of data
Where are we at now? 69 individuals have been discharged through CSP process and 69 beds closed People who have been discharged report high levels of satisfaction No returns to state hospital, infrequent use of community hospital Increased family involvement post discharge
Service and Supports Development Priorities Housing development to meet peoples’ preferences and provide flexible levels of support – regional housing initiative Enhancing/expanding case management or community treatment teams Developing peer services and supports Enhancing crisis response systems
Priorities cont’d. Developing single point of accountability model across the five-county region Developing various types of in-home supports Mobile medication programs Specialized residential programs and services for persons with behavioral and medical challenges
Priorities cont’d. Increase in extended acute care programs across region Development of diversion programs to serve individuals for periods of time up to six months One-on-one capacity for diversion
Priorities cont’d. Consideration of how to use the skills and experience of state hospital staff in providing community-based services such as – Programs for persons with special needs (both behavioral and medical) – One on one crisis, respite or in-home services – Enhancement/development of mobile medication services
Going Forward Key Dates and Activities Public Hearing – September 10 th – Public hearing from 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM at Crowne Plaza – Call Dorothy Owens at or at – Or, can submit written testimony
Proposed Timetable for Downsizing Start Census:225 AdmissionsTotal Discharges Discharges- Admissions Ending Census QUARTER 1Jul-Sept QUARTER 2Oct-Dec QUARTER 3Jan-Mar QUARTER 4Apr-Jun QUARTER 5Jul-Sept QUARTER 6Oct-Dec
Admissions Proposal to stop referrals by April 1, 2008 Admissions then would stop no later than May 1, 2008 Pending a number of factors including the development of increased extended acute care capacity especially in the suburban counties
Provide Input or Ask Questions Stakeholder meetings Public hearing on September 10 th Toll free number for family members website: