고려대학교 컴퓨터학과 김 창 헌 10 Three-Dimensional Object Representations
3D Object Representation Contents oConstructing a Solid - Sweep Representations oConstructive Solid-Geometry Methods oOctrees oBSP Trees oFractal-Geometry Methods oShape Grammars and Other Procedural Methods oParticle Systems oPhysically Based Modeling oVisualization of Data Sets
3D Object Representation Constructing a Solid - Sweep Representations A sweep that moves the 2D shape through a region of space –translational, rotational, or other symmetries –2D shape : circles, rectangles, closed spline-curves –translational sweep, rotational sweep Constructing a torus using rotational sweep
3D Object Representation Constructive Solid-Geometry Methods oCSG To create a new volume by applying the union, intersection, or difference operation to 2 specified volumes An object designed CSG is represented with a binary tree. CSG tree example
3D Object Representation CSG Methods (cont’) oRay-Casting method to be used to implement CSG to determine surface intersections to sort the intersection points x y z Firing Plane Pixel Ray x,y z Firing Plane Pixel Ray A B C D obj 1 obj 2 OperationSurface Limits UnionA, D IntersectionC, B DifferenceB, D (obj 2 -obj 1 ) Implementing CSG Operation Using Ray Casting
3D Object Representation CSG Methods (cont’) oRay-Casting (cont’) to be used to determine physical properties, such as volume and mass x y z Firing Plane A ij z ij
3D Object Representation Octrees oHierarchical Tree Structure oAdvantage spatial coherence to reduce storage requirements for 3D objects storing information about object interiors oQuadtrees
3D Object Representation Octrees (cont’) oOctrees for a solid object operations –union : to combine regions for each of the input objects –intersection or difference : looking for regions of overlap –rotation : transformation to the occupied octants
3D Object Representation BSP Trees oBinary Space-Partitioning Tree to be similar to octree except to divide space into 2 partitions more efficient to be useful for identifying visible surfaces and for space partitioning
3D Object Representation Fractal-Geometry Methods oEuclidean-Geometry Methods Object shapes are described with equations. to be adequate for describing manufactured objects oFractal-Geometry Methods Natural objects, such as mountains and clouds, can be realistically described. oFractal Object’s Basic Characteristics infinite detail at every point certain self-similarity
3D Object Representation Fractal-Geometry Methods (cont’) Initiator and generator for the Koch curve First three iteration in the generation of the Koch curve Ex) The Koch Curve
3D Object Representation Fractal-Geometry Methods (cont’) Ex) The Dragon Curve Dragon Curve Gerneration 10 Dragon Curve and Paper folding Dragon Fractal
3D Object Representation Fractal-Geometry Methods (cont’) Ex) The Branched Fractal
3D Object Representation Fractal-Geometry Methods (cont’) Fractal Image examples
3D Object Representation Particle Systems o“Fluid-Like” Properties oGood for Describing objects to change over time by flowing, billowing, spattering, or expanding clouds, smoke, fire, fireworks, waterfalls, water spray, and clumps of grass oRandom Processes are Used to generate objects within some defined region of space to vary objects’ parameters over time
3D Object Representation Particle Systems (cont’) oParticle Motion to be controlled by specified forces, such as a gravity field Particle system examples
3D Object Representation Particle Systems (cont’) A scene, entitled Road to Point Reyes, showing particle- system grass, fractal mountains, and texture-mapped surfaces
3D Object Representation Physically Based Modeling oNonrigid Objects Representation a rope, a piece of cloth, or a soft rubber ball oHooke’s Law x FxFx k (unstretched position)
3D Object Representation Physically Based Modeling (cont’) A two-dimensional spring network Modeling the flexible behavior of a banana peel with a spring network
3D Object Representation Physically Based Modeling (cont’) oModeling a Nonrigid Object to set up the external forces acting on the object to solve a set of simultaneous equations –propagation of the forces throughout the network representing the object oAnimation to more accurately describe motion paths in the past –using spline paths and kinematics, where motion parameters are based only on position and velocity to describe motion using dynamical equations, involving forces and accelerations
3D Object Representation Visualization of Data Sets oScientific Visualization to visually display, enhance, and manipulate information to allow better understanding of the data example –dealing with the output of high-volume data sources similar methods –other nonscientific areas : business visualization
3D Object Representation Visualization of Data Sets (cont’) oVisual Representation for Scalar Fields to use graphs or charts that the distribution of data values pseudo-color methods –to combine color-coding techniques with graph and chart methods contour plots –to display isolines(lines of constant scalar value) page 397, figure –an example of 3, overlapping, color-coded contour plots in xy plane
3D Object Representation Visualization of Data Sets (cont’) oVisual Representation for Scalar Fields (cont’) 3D scalar data fields –to take cross-sectional slice –to display the 2-D data distributions over the slices isosurfaces ( page 398, figure ) –simply 3-D contour plots volume rendering –somewhat like an X-ray picture –in medical applications opacity factor : bone(opaque), tissue(low opaque) to display the accumulated opacity value as pixel-intensity level –page 399, figure : volume visualization of medical data set
3D Object Representation Visualization of Data Sets (cont’) oVisual Representations for Vector Fields to plot each data point as a small arrow ( page 400, figure ) –to be most used with cross-sectional slices because it can be difficult to see the data trends in a 3-D region cluttered with overlapping arrows to plot field lines or streamlines ( page 401, figure ) –for animation of fluid flow the behavior of the vector field can be visualized by tracking particles along the flow direction
3D Object Representation Visualization of Data Sets (cont’) oVisual Representation for Tensor Fields actually, to be used for a second-order tensor –tensor quantity in 3D space : 3 by 3 matrix physical tensor –physical, second-order tensors are stress and strain –physical tensor quantities are symmetric example : page 402, figure oVisual Representations for Multivariate Data Fields to construct graphical objects(glyphs) with multiple parts example : page 403, figure