FOPI – Slow Control Content 1.FOPI experiment - Overview 2.GUIs for FOPI 3.System Design
FOPI - overview CAVE B Messhütte Server WinXP-Client Linux-Client TCP/IP CS - GUI Objekte Esone Server Ethernet – GPIB Controller OPC Server (CAEN/TwinCAT) Constant Fractions, ca. 150 Stck. Lambda, low-Voltage device … GPIB CAEN - HV 70 Channels LeCroy – HV 1792 Channels CS -Interface Objekte CAMAC PT100 ca. 200Stck.
requirements for FOPI control system - remote control and monitoring of power supplies (High/Low Voltage) - archiving of measured values (voltage, currents, temperatures) - archiving of hardware configuration/settings (ramp / trip time, set points) - distributed control system (Front End / Operator) independant Front End - User Management: several profiles access rights - possibility to divide High Voltage channels into sectors (RPC/CDC/Helitron) - internal errors should be displayed for the user - controlled and variable boot sequence
FOPI Main Panel colour coding of LED channel address of LED shown by tip statistic values panel selection cross – section of the detector's drift chambers (CDC/RPC/Helitron) mapping of CAEN HV channels allocation between channels and sectors statistic values for each sector panel selection allows user to open other panels colour coding of LED informs user about channel's state set all CAEN HV channels display error history RPCCDC Helitron
CAEN Power Supplies 1527 & PT 100 sensors channel state channel output password request temperature of PT 100 sensor detailled configuration Board Information supplies RPC, CDC and Helitron access via CAEN OPC server and LabVIEW DSC Module structure: crates/boards/channels one PT 100 for each HV channel user management by password request (2 user profiles: admin/user) additional board information online trending for output values background colour indicates sector area only visible after logged in successfully area only visible after push Board Info
Sector Panel for CAEN HV channels double click plot to open channel panel selection for sub detectors - background colour indicates sector membership - allows user to open sub sector panels - set all channels mapped to sector - error history - colour of plot indicates alarm state
Trend, Alarm & Temperature Monitors displays trendings of measured and configuration values access to log data of DSC database via DSCTrend class editable time interval for trendings error display divides High Voltage channels by sectors Online - Trending of temperature values measured by PT 100 displays alarm state variable update rate displays all occured alarms access to alarm data of DSC database via DSCAlarm class displays alarm settings unacknowledged alarms generates alarm documentation file alarm summary
Lambda - Low Voltage devices Fopi dedicated Mainpanel control of up to 5 Lambda – Genesys devices via GPIB bus supplies RPC detector use of the device - specific drivers possibility to auto - write all channels, archives voltage and current into a logfile ©A.Schwinn
Le Croy HV devices old hardware (1985) control via ESONE Server on a CAMAC Bus very slow reaction time output is written in output buffer of the 2132 Interface device language is 16 Bit- coded and cryptic control of more than 1700 HV - Channels supply for photo - multiplier ©A.Schwinn
Constant Fractions control of ca. 150 Constant Fraction "CF 8101" Discriminators control via ESONE Server on a CAMAC Bus CNAF´s are the CAMAC data words (Crate, Board, Address, Function) able to observe all values, and to recognize changes Enable/Disable boards to observe able to play a alarm-wav file on alarm ©A.Schwinn
System Design - overview hardware server (device layer) clients (application layer) lxg0*.gsi.delxi0* GUI objects DSCEngine CAEN OPC - Server DSC processes: -DSCInterface -DSCAlarm -DSCTagAttribute -DSCTrend -TwinCATInt Lambda LV devices CAEN SY1527 HV LeCroy HV ESONE Servers e7_6 e7_15 CAMAC ESONE Dispatcher: e7_6 e7_15 (Linux) (Win XP) (Linux) GPIB GENie Treiber CS Framework commercial software PC bus systems / networks hardware GUI objects device processes: - Constant Fractions - LeCroy_2123_Interface - Lambda_LV_Supplies Constant Fractions (Win XP) Ethernet TwinCAT OPC - Server BC9000 (PT 100) SQL Server
Initializing the Slow Control Initializing the Slow Control channel address temperature sensor sector path (layer2/layer3/…/lowest layer) Default Alarm Limits (3) profile permission range User List (2) Mapping (5) life line of object event or action length of stimulus
Client – Server communication serverclient
Detector Hierarchy channel layer detector layer fixed variable m:number of sub detectors in HEL_n n:number of sub detectors in HEL s:lowest layer of CDC e.g. s = 0_0_0 depth = 5 t:number of sub detectors e.g. in lowest layer of CDC_0_0_0 x/y/z:any crate/board/channel number, depending on how many HV channels are used
Sub Detectors serverclient filter Channels and UserList for sub detectors information concerning the joining sectors (upper & lower layer) is needed
Panel Behaviour client
CS requirements problem:DB entry with different parameters for each detector object ( fixed hierarchy) solutions:a.)optional "data - in" parameter for "load process" – event b.)class to create user- defined database entries by event problem:DB entry for each channel object required ( truncate solution:template DB entry as default for an object inherited by BaseProcess additional parameter for load – process, e.g. „use default DB entry“ or „use database entry from instance“
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