Lessons Learnt Workshop Result Area 4-Year 2 Progress Grace Miano 1 Polly Ericksen 1 International Livestock Research Institute Nairobi 4 th December 2014
Activity 4.1-Surveys,compilation of experiences of lessons and Lessons Learnt 1.Economic Household survey was conducted in 6 counties in 2013 and shared 2. The following briefing papers have developed and shared Best practice brief on fodder production in Wajir county Best practice brief on fodder production Baringo County Lessons learnt on Making of camel milk cooperative society-Isiolo county Role of Livestock market in breaking the loop of poverty in Samburu county based on Lekuru market Fodder production Experience-Story of Bandasa in Marsabit county
Activity 4.3- Focus Group Discussions FGDs have been conducted in Lolkuniani, Lekuru markets in Samburu county and Bangale Market in Tana River county to collect information and document evidence on the role of markets in enhancing resilience to drought. 3 MSC Researchers have also been attached in Lolkuniani market, Anolei camel milk cooperative and in fodder farms in Baringo to document linkage of the KRDP intervention and drought resilience More documentation to continue in 2015 when the outcomes of the interventions start taking shape
Activity 4.4- Knowledge Sharing Drought cycle management training has been conducted in Isiolo for Naserian fodder group and Oldonyiro Market LMA Two groups have been taken for exchange visit. These are Bisikidera fodder group from TanaRiver county was taken to Muungano fodder group in Wajir to learn more on fodder production Bandasa fodder group from Marsabit county was taken to olpejeta conservancy to learn on steer fattening, and trade exhibition in Isiolo.
Activity 4.5-Analysing current Policy The Baringo county drought contingency plan was reviewed and feed back given to NDMA ILRI participated in a feedback write shop in Machakos during development of a general contingency plan format where input was given livestock interventions Mapping of Livestock Migratory corridor has been done for Samburu county following the request by NDMA during Contingency plan write shop.
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