OWL Feb-7th
Focus on Content, Not Design Aesthetically interesting? Sure. Showing what you did? Top priority. Ideally? Have them complement one another.
Logo & Tagline It’s your signature. Tagline specifically? Your shtich
About Me Page Let people know who you are Passions Personality Why you do what you do? Don’t go overboard
Easy Navigation “Don’t make me think!” (An actual title of a book on Web Design)
Contact Info Whatever you are willing to give but GIVE SOMETHING because what if people love you? :’C
Professional Social Networking Get people to follow you LinkedIn? By definition. Github? Not social networking, but YES (Pro-tip: Put it on your resume too) Others? Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, etc.
Downloadable Resume People are going to ask for it anyway
Projects What is this project? Goals? Outcome? Who did you work with? What skills did you use? Image Optional: Link to (if available/live)
Showcase your Best Only What can you talk about? What shows you know what you know? What are you proud of? It does not need to be “perfect” Fyi, your homework: Pick & get 3 projects for your portfolio
Skills List them if you can do so visually only Eg: “Android” has a logo “Math Guru” does not Resume should cover this If want to list, About page
Experience? Past Jobs? No, but meh… Your projects are your experience If you must, about page
Language Keywords! Remember your shtick Friendly and personal Clear and precise, short and sharp Get to the point
Images Clear and crisp If small, enable way to make larger
What if I got a lot? Multi-talented? Categorize Only go with what you are “selling” Split your website (writer.dotkai.com, dev.dotkai.com)
Footer ©2014 FirstName LastName Anything extra? Your shitch (again) Reflect whatever is in your navigation/header Do not use as a substitute for navigation/header
Will I ever be happy with my site? No. If yes, it won’t last long.