UNION EUROPÉENNE DES MÉDECINS SPÉCIALISTES EUROPEAN UNION OF MEDICAL SPECIALISTS U.E.M.S. ORL Section and Board RATIO OF ENT-SPECIALISTS TO POPULATION WITHIN EU-COUNTRIES – and selected non-EU-countries 2014 Chairmen Manpower and Trainees Exchange Programme Dr. Med. Wolfgang Luxenberger, Austria Dr. Med. Hans-Werner Mollenhauer, Germany
InhabitantsENT-SpecialistsENT/InhabitantsTraineesEducation- Centers Austria : /6 Iceland : Croatia /2831: Belgium (580)1:16.000(1:19.000)85(100) Denmark : Finland : (74)(5/14) France : Germany : /628*
Inhabitants (Mill.) ENT-SpecialistsENT/InhabitantsTraineesEducation- Centers Cyprus : Czech Republic : Estonia : Hungary : Latvia : Lithuania : Malta audiologists 1: (1:31.000) 1 1 Poland : Slovakia (477)1: (20) 4 (20) Slovenia : Inhabitants (Mill.) ENT-SpecialistsENT/InhabitantsTraineesEducation- Centers Bulgaria : Rumania :27.000
* SAS = Staff Associate Specialists; doctors mainly out of Pakistan and India, who never completed ENT specialist training in the EU, but work as ENT-doctors in the UK. Inhabitants (Mill.) ENT-SpecialistsENT/InhabitantsTraineesEducation- Centers Greece : /33/26 (31 full/32 partiell) Italy : Ireland /451:82.000/ Luxembourg : Netherlands : Portugal /2831: Spain : Sweden :16.000(149)(30) United Kingdom SAS* 200= 924 1: :
InhabitantsENT-SpecialistsENT/InhabitantsTraineesEducation- Centers 28 EU-Countries : InhabitantsENT-SpecialistsENT/InhabitantsTraineesEducation Centers Norway :15.000(83)(19) Russia : Switzerland : Turkey : Serbia : Eritrea (2009) :1.76 Mill. Non-EU-Countries:
Future Manpower Group Update every year? Update every year? Web-based Manpower Exchange? Web-based Manpower Exchange? Presentations of ENT services in different EU countries Presentations of ENT services in different EU countries Other tasks? Other tasks? Health Services Research in ENT (Collaboration with OECD/EU)Health Services Research in ENT (Collaboration with OECD/EU)