Assembly and Coordinate Management with OSD and WM
Introduction I am not a good teacher! Engineer – by definition I don’t have any social or communication skills - Therefore you must ask questions if anything is conceptually unclear – resolve now or later as appropriate Really, Really, Really, Really important to have a good understanding of this material! Simple concepts – very difficult in combination (coordinate systems, write/modification permissions, load level, etc.) Work with examples on web-site between classes and ask questions! Really, Really, Really, Really important to have a good understanding of this material!
Overall Course(s) Outline 3 classes over next 3 weeks followed by CoCreate on site training Assembly and Coordinate Management Parts and assemblies – what they are and how they are stored; how to use this structure to manage coordinate systems and collaborative assemblies in OSD WM Concepts and Schema Outline of WM general concepts, schema and “Business Rules” WM Procedures and Model Schema Basic WM procedures (button clicking) and general model schema for structuring projects and coordinating with existing or future data
Course Outline Overview of our current situation… Review ALS Coordinate Systems -ALS Global, ALS CAD, and Beamline (local) coordinate definitions Difficulties Working with multiple coordinate systems -Where is it and why? -More than 1 location requires multiple copies of an assembly (NO!) -Beamline Coordinate assemblies load coincident Parts and Assemblies - What they are and how they are stored -OSD Instance and Contents Files -Multiple Instance Files -Parent and Individual References How to … - Loading, storing & working with multiple coordinates and assemblies
Working with Coordinate Systems -There are 3 “types” of coordinate systems used: ALS Global, ALS CAD, and BL (Local) Coordinates (Refer to ALS Note M7957 on web) - ALS Global Origin located offsite (deep in the earth’s crust) – center of the storage ring at (1500,3500,2500)m (x,y,z) - ALS CAD Origin located at nominal beam height in the center of the storage ring - BL (local) Origin located (usually) at specific beamline radiation source point
Working with Coordinate Systems By default, we (should) work in BL coordinates - Models stored in BL coordinates share a common source point and orientation in OSD – load coincident or “on top” of each other. - How do you view neighboring beamlines or models that are stored in “their” BL coordinates?
Working with Coordinate Systems Any point in any coordinate system can be translated (mapped) to an alternate coordinate system. Transparency Visual Aid PTC Moment- “Wouldn’t be great if you could move (map) an assembly to another coordinate system without needing a duplicate copy? Would that be helpful? Who here could use something like this?” Bottom line - We can use OSD Part and Assembly attributes to accomplish this
Parts and Assemblies I Parts and Assemblies consist of “Contents” and “Instance” Files - PART “Contents” File= geometry, physical attributes (color, density, etc.), View Sets - PART “Instance” File = Independent geometry location and instance specific attributes (shared parts) information C I P I C I P1 What is a PART?
Parts and Assemblies I Assemblies, like parts, consist of “Contents” and “Instance” Files - ASSEMBLY “Contents” File = Parts list (P1, P2, etc.), View Sets - ASSEMBLY “Instance” File = Assembly location & assembly specific child PART and SUBASSY location C I P I C I P1 A1 C I IP IP1 What is an ASSEMBLY?
Parts and Assemblies Example – Load assy 1, note location of p1 and p2 Load p1 and p2 at root, note locations, move p2 to 3m and save Load p2 to confirm location (3m) Load assy 1, note location of p2, move p2 (4m) within assembly and note icon Save, clear, reload assembly and note location Clear, load p2 at root and note location, machine feature, save, clear Load assy 1, note feature appearance What’s going on? -Modified part instance, assembly instance, contents?
Working with Coordinate Systems PORT 7-2, 7-2 FRONT END ASSY How does this help us? Use parent assembly to locate any models in the relevant BL coordinates - Parent assembly can have independent location (instance) information for subassemblies/subparts that do not affect the individual assemblies/parts location information
Working with Coordinate Systems Questions? Comments? (Except Mark) Requests? (Mark, this does not apply to you either)