Social Groups 2+ people who identify and interact with one another
(Macionis, 2007) Stages of Group Development Forming –Regular interaction Storming –Chaotic vying for leadership Norming –Agreement of how the group will function Performing –Effective in meeting its objectives Adjourning –See you later
(Greene & Shepard, 2008) Types of Groups Primary –Face-to-face –Strong personal identity –Multifaceted relationships –Strong ties within the group Secondary –Limited interaction –Weak personal identity –Limited, shallow relationships –Weak ties within the group
(Greene & Shepard, 2008) Types of Groups Informal –Join by coincidence –Brief encounter Formal –Join for a specific goal –Task oriented
(Greene & Shepard, 2008) Nature of Social Groups Group Dynamics –Patterns of social interaction –Influenced by Group Size Leadership Style Conformity Group Decision Making
(Greene & Shepard, 2008) Group Dynamics Group Size –Dyad (2) Unstable Intense Relationships –Triad (3) and beyond More Stable Reduces Intense Relationships
(Macionis, 2007) Group Dynamics Leadership Style –Authoritarian –Democratic –Laissez-Faire
(Macionis, 2007) Group Dynamics Conformity –Positive Social Order –Negative Groupthink Blind Obedience Group Decision Making
References Greene W., Robert & Shepard M. Jon (2008). Sociology & You (2 nd Ed.). Columbus, Ohio: The McGraw-Hill Companies. Macionis J. John (2007). Sociology (11 th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.