ASTROLABE Used to figure location, direction, and time of day. Greeks invented it, Muslims improved. Led to exploration of the seas.
ASTRONOMY Built observatories that led to better understanding of time and clock making. Led to better ways of calculating distance for trade and exploration.
GEOGRAPHY Ibn Battutah traveled widely and made maps along the way. Al-Idrisi wrote a geography book and discovered that land did not go all the way around the Indian Ocean.
MATH Combined the Indian number system and zero with the Greek science of math. Al-Khwarizmi wrote a book called “al-jabr” or “algebra”. Arabic numerals.
MEDICINE Ar-Razi discovered how to treat deadly smallpox. Ibn-Sina wrote a medical encyclopedia which is one of the most famous books in the history of medicine. Created tests for doctors to take before they could treat people. Started the first pharmacy school.
LITERATURE Poetry Short stories – The Arabian Nights is a famous book today.
PHILOSOPHY Sufism had a strong impact on Islam. Focuses on spiritual issues.
ARCHITECTURE Blue Mosque in Istanbul The Great Mosque in Cordoba Taj Mahal in India