Re-cap yesterday’s mosque debate What was the debate about? What were the two sides of the debate? What is Islam? What is Islam?
Emergence of Islam Teachings of Islam Achievements in the Muslim World
Arabian Peninsula (Southwestern Asia) Today this area is known as Saudi Arabia
What do you see? Sandstorms Mostly desert People settle mostly at or near an oasis
Muhammad Born in 570 B.C.E. in Mecca (site of Hajj today) At about 40 years old, begins to experience visions Becomes the prophet of Islam Message: “Recite!” “One True God” Allah
Not everyone listened to Muhammad Mecca at this time was a commercial center Merchants live off of people coming to pray to the traditional gods and idols Why do you think merchants would have a problem with Muhammad’s teachings? Faced with threats of murder, Muhammad and followers leave Mecca for Yathrib This journey is known as the hijra
Arabian Peninsula at this time Clan-based society Worship Gods and idols Monotheism Very new to area Threatened society
The Quran Sacred word of God (through Muhammad) In Arabic, it is the direct and un- changeable word of God All followers learn Arabic How do you think this has helped unite Muslims from different places? Ethical teachings Honesty, generosity, social justice Complete guide to living a good life Final authority on all matters
Monotheism was not new to everyone Judaism and Christianity = the People of the Book Shared beliefs: One God Adam and Eve Abraham Word of God Differences: Torah and Bible only partial revelation God has no son Muhammad taught tolerance In general, People of the Book enjoy religious freedom
Five pillars of Islam are the foundation of Muslim faith Just as video showed, not all Muslims know all 5 1. Shahadah (The Testimony of Faith) What is a testimony? What does it mean to testify in court? “la ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadun rasoolu Allah.” These are the only words you have to say with conviction to become Muslim There is no God besides Allah None has the right to be worshipped besides him God has no partner God has no son
2. Salah (Prayer) Pray five times a day As many as you can – some more, some less This brings a direct link between the worshipper and Allah. 3. Zakat (Charity) Give as much as you can Give of yourself through good deeds
4. Saum (Fasting) During the month of Ramadan all Muslims fast from sunrise until sunset abstaining from food and drink 5. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca) Travel to Mecca at one time in your life if you can
What do you see?
Trade Art and Humanities Literature and Writing Mathematics Music Science and Medicine
Trade was an integral part of the Muslim world Merchants were honored Muhammad was a merchant Trade Spreads products and technology Manufacturing Artisans produce wealth of fine goods Guess what?! Trade = Peace and Prosperity = Innovation
Trade expands Camel caravans “ships of the desert” Travel the Silk Road
Many works of art are rich in history and beauty Interwoven with beautiful stories One Thousand Arabian Nights Late one night I was suddenly awakened by a rustling noise outside my window. Through a space in the blinds, I saw a large rectangular carpet hovering above the willow tree. I opened the window, and the carpet … What does this remind you of?
Mosques Minarets
Astronomy Navigation Pharmacology Anatomy Medical Practices
Arabic Importance to faith Poetry Calligraphy Largest library of time-Baghdad Knowledge
Arabic Numerals Pioneered the study of algebra Geometry is vital to Muslim culture
New instruments Dancing Important for prayer services Songs tell tales and religious teachings
Museum Exhibit Achievements in the Muslim World Pick 1 category you are interested in Sign up TODAY Research tomorrow and Friday DUE Tuesday, November 30 th Tuesday after Thanksgiving Break
Museum Exhibit Requirements: One artifact from the Muslim world One paragraph describing the what, where, when, who, how and WHY WHY question is most important (and is your reflection): Why was your artifact important in history? Why is your artifact important in our world today? Museum Exhibit Day Wednesday, December 1
Museum Exhibit Achievements in the Muslim World Pick 1 category you are interested in Sign up TODAY Research tomorrow and Friday DUE Tuesday, November 30 th Tuesday after Thanksgiving Break