*Use pictures, illustrations, and diagrams *Ask someone to define the word for you *Use dictionaries, thesauruses, and glossaries as tools Goal: Expand Vocabulary By: Kyla Kresl
Use Pictures, Illustrations, and Diagrams Use the story and background knowledge while paying attention to pictures, illustrations, and diagrams to increase your vocabulary. ▫Illustrations might give clues about the meaning of the words and text.
Use Pictures, Illustrations, and Diagrams Read a picture book or nonfiction book and stop when you come to a word you don’t know. Look at the picture to see if you can figure out what it means. Figure out the meaning based on your background knowledge and what is in the picture. Write the word in your word collector and/or celebrate figuring out the word.
Ask Someone to Define the Word for You If you have a question about the meaning of a word, you should ask someone if they know what the word means. ▫Ask other students first before going to an adult. forpd.ucf.edu/strategies/stratsq4r.html
Ask Someone to Define the Word for You Ask these types of questions if you are stuck on a word: What is the word? What is the word like? What are some examples of this word being used in a sentence? Now you can… go back and substitute the word. read again using the definition. spektrumku.wordpress.com/.../
Use Dictionaries, Thesauruses, and Glossaries as Tools There are many ways to use word-learning tools to understand words and texts that you read. Dictionaries are used to find the meaning of a word. Thesauruses are used to find synonyms and antonyms of words. ▫Dictionaries and thesauruses can also be found online. Glossaries are in the back of nonfiction books and define bold faced words.
Dictionaries and Thesauruses *Dictionaries have a definition of the word and it is used in different sentences. *Thesauruses have synonyms of words. You can plug synonyms of the word into the text and see what other words could have been written instead. Do some together as a class! Get out your books and learn some new words!
Online Resource Here is an online resource, a visual thesaurus! This gives synonyms and antonyms of the word in different forms: ▫Nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs ▫Try Now!Try Now!