Brainstorming meeting House of Catalonia, Bruxelles 26 March 2014 Territorial Vision and Pathways 2050.


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Presentation transcript:

Brainstorming meeting House of Catalonia, Bruxelles 26 March 2014 Territorial Vision and Pathways 2050

Purpose of ET2050 brainstorming event Make Vision 2050 and Pathways as powerful as possible for policy uptake Be as territorial as possible to be different Integrate territorial, economic and social arguments (include innovation, R&D, SME, poverty, youth unemployment, etc.) Argue consistently on territorial diversity and cooperation Use territorial phenomena/categories (urban system, connections and access, open spaces (landscapes, nature etc.), geographic specificities (islands, mountains, etc.). Be stronger on European territorial structures Develop a pathway for each vision statement giving responsibility for supporting implementation Keep the pathways on policy advice and monitoring Use stylistic cartographic illustrations

Current vision statements Current 14 vision statements: Open polycentric development Polycentricity at all scales Promotion of secondary tier cities Compact settlement structure Protecting sensitive land Developing a green infrastructure across Europe Valorising cultural landscapes and social capital as key assets Supporting less developed regions Sufficient accessibility to open regional potentials Co-development with neighbouring regions Improving global connectivity Mitigation and adaptation to climate change Resource efficiency New self-organised governance

Steps ahead: 3 vision building blocks FRAMEWORK VISION: «More Europe» CORE TERRITORIAL VISION: «Open Polycentric Development» PATHWAYS TOWARDS 2050: «New Cohesion Policy Approach»

Framework Vision (Not Territorial) More Europe: ONE foreign policy, defense, monetary union, innovation union, energy transistion to low carbon, climate change mitigation and adaptation policy, … NOT 28 !! Qualitative/intangible growth and competitiveness, more than quantitative/tangible GDP growth More for More Democracy and Prosperity: EU-Neighborhoods co-development (South and East) Sources for the final drafting: -Global Europe ET2050 Territorial Vision drafts -Draft Final Report: Europe as a global player (25,26,27,28) More creative, ecological and social jobs towards socio-ecological transition (38,41) Promote citizens empowerment (24,71,74,89) …….

A New Cohesion Policy Approach EU Cohesion Policy Reform after 2020 Place-based approach? (FUAs/Rural Areas) Multi-level governance of cohesion funds, enabling territorial diversity and ensuring social inclusion Sectoral approach? (Networks) Optimal goverment of structural funds for energy, transport, ICT and environment, matching decision and problem spaces Solidarity approach? (Member States) Distribution of equalization funds to compensate for extra- costs of implementing EU common priorities The ET2050 Vision answer: «A blend of the 3 approaches in the context of a more integrated EU» This is complex, but needed for EU to cope with global and territorial challenges, while closing the democratic gap between the EU institutions and the European citizens

Ideas for Territorial Vision statements (1) Goal: An Open and Polycentric Europe Connecting Europe globally (Sectoral approach/networks-based) Network of gateways facilitating flows of people and goods (30,68) TENT grid embracing all parts of Europe and linking to neighbouring markets (18,33,40) Intelligent energy grid, mobility and production systems favouring transition towards low carbon economy (35,39,42,43,44) Co-development with neighbours in macro-regional, transnational and cross- border territories (31,32,34,67,81) Networking of European cities (Place-based approach) A European urban system giving development opportunity in all parts (29,56,58) Cooperation of European Metropolises enhancing competitiveness (59) Promotion of secondary tier cities as engines of growth (60) Engaging cities and their hinterland in functional urban regions (???) Towns as important places for production and services (???) Territorial integration in cross-border and transnational functional regions (80)

Ideas for Territorial Vision statements (2) Making Europe regionally balanced (Solidarity approach/MS-based) Unleashing the regional diversity of development potentials in all regions (17,45,76) Sufficient infrastructure endowment to open up regional and local potentials (55,66,77) Universal level of services of general interest in all regions (???) Exploring the endogenous potential of productive rural areas (46) Islands, Mountain areas, sparsely populated areas etc..... (47,79) Enhancing Natural and Cultural assets in development (Place-based approach) Valorising landscape, culture and nature in promoting economic development (21,48,64,75) Maintain a network of green infrastructure areas covering all Europe (63) Protect sensitive and more vulnerable land (22,62,78) Mitigate and adapt territories to climate change (23,69) Sea becomes a valuable source of economic development (49) Promote compact settlement structures (20,61)

Pathways towards 2050 (1) How to structure pathways related to vision statement? Each vision statement needs a pathway to be taken serious Possible template/structure: What is the goal for 2030 and 2050 What is necessary to do policy wise/implement/invest in? Where should the implementation be done? Who is responsible for implementation? Could authorities at different administrative levels have (mutually) supporting roles? How can policies contribute (Cohesion Policy, sector policies, national, regional and local policies) to the goals for 2030 and 2050?

Pathways towards 2050 (2) Policy pathways of supporting the vision: A new generation of Cohesion Policy Place-based (FUAs/Rural areas) for Cohesion Funds Optimal government of Structural Funds for energy, transport, ICT networks and the environment EU solidarity funds to equalize MS states costs for implementing common priorities (energy interdependence, migration, …) Territorial sensitivity in reforming Sectorial Policy What should be done in different sector policies to support the vision statements? A new territorial governance approach Enhancing Europeanization of planning practices: the “optimal government” approach (90,93) Multi-level governance of territorial development challenges: the “place-based approach” (88,91,92) Enhancing EU solidarity (???) Monitoring territorial targets Indicators related to the overall goal and vision statements! (94,95,96,97,98)

Illustrating the Vision How to illustrate the vision and pathways? Traditionally a challenge Not maps but more stylistic cartographic illustrations Display European territorial structures in 2050 Think of a visual aid (such as the Blue Banana, Grapes etc.) in support of the communication.

More Information Thank you for your attention