The European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument DG RELEX UNIT ER-D-1 European Neighbourhood Policy Coordination – General Coordination
1. Origins of the ENPI Regulation 1.1. EC External assistance: Responding to the call for simplification … More than 30 instrument s for delivering external relations assistance Policy driven instruments: ► Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) ► European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) ► Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) ► Economic Cooperation Instrument (ECI) ► Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation ► Human Rights Instrument Crisis response instruments: ► Humanitarian Aid Instrument ► Macro-financial Assistance ► Instrument for Stability Policy driven instruments: ► Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) ► European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) ► Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) ► Economic Cooperation Instrument (ECI) ► Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation ► Human Rights Instrument Crisis response instruments: ► Humanitarian Aid Instrument ► Macro-financial Assistance ► Instrument for Stability Before 2007 From 2007
4. EC financial support 4.1. European Community funding: global amount ► Commission proposal: nearly €15bn ► End result: nearly € 12 bn, 45% increase in nominal terms and 32% in real terms ► M€ ENPI and 0.8 Thematic programmes and HR instrument ► Commission proposal: nearly €15bn ► End result: nearly € 12 bn, 45% increase in nominal terms and 32% in real terms ► M€ ENPI and 0.8 Thematic programmes and HR instrument Current funding ( ) Current funding ( ) Future funding ( ) Future funding ( ) EC budget: ► Total: €8.3b ► MEDA €5.2bn ► TACIS €3.1bn EC budget: ► Total: €8.3b ► MEDA €5.2bn ► TACIS €3.1bn
4. EU financial Support Current EIB lending (2000–2006) : ► € 6.5 bn Mediterranean, € 0.6 bn Eastern Europe Future EIB lending ( ): ► EIB external mandate currently under discussion. Will be approved before the end of ► Commission proposal for the new mandate would include very substantial increase for Ceiling for external lending mandate would increase for ENPI to € 12.4 bn. (Mediterranean: € 8.7 bn / East: € 3.7 bn) ► Closer cooperation with EBRD and other International Financial Institutions (such as the World Bank) is foreseen. Current EIB lending (2000–2006) : ► € 6.5 bn Mediterranean, € 0.6 bn Eastern Europe Future EIB lending ( ): ► EIB external mandate currently under discussion. Will be approved before the end of ► Commission proposal for the new mandate would include very substantial increase for Ceiling for external lending mandate would increase for ENPI to € 12.4 bn. (Mediterranean: € 8.7 bn / East: € 3.7 bn) ► Closer cooperation with EBRD and other International Financial Institutions (such as the World Bank) is foreseen The European Investment Bank: A new mandate for the ENP and for Russia
2. The ENPI regulation: Main features 2.3. Types of programmes Country and multi-country programmes Minimum 95.0% (over € 10.6 bn) Country and multi-country programmes Minimum 95.0% (over € 10.6 bn) Cross-border cooperation programmes Up to 5.0% (almost € 550 million) Cross-border cooperation programmes Up to 5.0% (almost € 550 million)
2. The ENPI regulation: Main features 2.4. The programming process Strategy Papers Multi-annual Indicative Programmes Action Progr./Joint CBC Progr. ► Analysis of the situation ► Response strategy ► Priority sectors ► 7 years ► revised at mid-term ► normally attached to Strategy Papers ► set global and per priority allocations ► cover 3 – 4 years ► annual ► describe projects identified for financing ► define the budget per project ► lead to EC decision & commitments of funds
2. Country and Multi-Country Programmes ► 17 ENP Countries 15 Country Programmes (all except Lybia and Palestine); ► 3 Multi- Country Programmes: Regional east, Regional South and Inter-regional; ► Environement: Multi-Country Programmes (East Forestry and South) + Country Programmes (e.g. UA, Jordan, Egypt); ► 17 ENP Countries 15 Country Programmes (all except Lybia and Palestine); ► 3 Multi- Country Programmes: Regional east, Regional South and Inter-regional; ► Environement: Multi-Country Programmes (East Forestry and South) + Country Programmes (e.g. UA, Jordan, Egypt);
2. Country and Multi-Country Programmes ► 17 ENP Countries 15 Country Programmes (all except Lybia and Palestine); ► 3 Multi- Country Programmes: Regional east, Regional South and Inter-regional; ► Environement: Multi-Country Programmes (East Forestry and South) + Country Programmes (e.g. UA, Jordan, Egypt); ► 17 ENP Countries 15 Country Programmes (all except Lybia and Palestine); ► 3 Multi- Country Programmes: Regional east, Regional South and Inter-regional; ► Environement: Multi-Country Programmes (East Forestry and South) + Country Programmes (e.g. UA, Jordan, Egypt);
Cross-Border Cooperation The history Difficult implementation of CBC on external borders Need for improved co-ordination pointed out by Court of Auditors in 2000 Requests by Member States to revamp the system Neighbourhood programmes first step Communications in 2003 and ENP strategy in 2004
ENPI CBC a new concept Territorial co-operation in a foreign policy context Legal provisions in the ENPI regulation Principles: Common benefit to all participants Partnerships and joint management Complementarity to other initiatives Co-financing from partners Programme financing from ERDF and External Relations budget
Programme definition and financing Eligible border regions along the EU’s external land borders, short sea crossings and sea basins on NUTS II or III level Starting point Neighbourhood Programmes, additional simplifications Adjoining regions may be included when duly motivated Financial allocations agreed in Council group for Structural Funds Overall matching ERDF and External relations Basis in population
Development of the CBC programmes Local partners set priorities based on needs analysis in the geographical area Focus on the four key objectives: Promote economic and social development Address common challenges Ensure efficient and secure borders People to people co-operation Programme adopted by Commission Decision Financing agreements with partner country(ies) and the Joint Managing Authority
2. The ENPI Regulation: Main features 2.8. Focus on innovation: CBC’s 9 land border and 3 sea crossing programmes
2. The ENPI Regulation: Main features 2.9. Focus on innovation: CBC’s 3 sea basin programmes
3. Thematic Programmes ► Established under the Development Co-operation Instrument; ► Covering also ENPI Countries; ► 5 Programmes: Environment, Migration and Asylum, Investing in People, Food Security, Local Actors in Development ► Established under the Development Co-operation Instrument; ► Covering also ENPI Countries; ► 5 Programmes: Environment, Migration and Asylum, Investing in People, Food Security, Local Actors in Development
3. Thematic Programme: for Environment and Sustainable management of Natural Resources including Energy ► 6 Priroties: MDG, Implementation of EU Initiative, Improving expertise for integration and coherence, Stregthening environmental Governance and EU leadership, Support for Sustainable energy options in partner countries and regions, Global Energy Efficency Fund; ► In ENP Countries focus on implementation of international commitments and Energy Efficency/Renewable. ► Total Budget : M€ of which 29 for ENP Countries ► 6 Priroties: MDG, Implementation of EU Initiative, Improving expertise for integration and coherence, Stregthening environmental Governance and EU leadership, Support for Sustainable energy options in partner countries and regions, Global Energy Efficency Fund; ► In ENP Countries focus on implementation of international commitments and Energy Efficency/Renewable. ► Total Budget : M€ of which 29 for ENP Countries