2 Introduction The expansion of education opportunities for all the citizens has been improved. However, the achievement rates remain low (40% in EP1 and 63,6% in EP2, in 2003) from 69% of the gross enrolment ratio; In regard of this, there is a need to improve the efficiency and efficacy of the education system
3 The Education System Coverage school indicators in EP1 in 2003: Gross admission rate132,7% Gross enrolment rate112,6% Net enrolment rate 69,3% Total number of schools8.062 Total number of pupils
4 The Education System Coverage school indicators in EP2 in 1999: Gross enrolment rate35,0% Total number of pupils The system of education of Mozambique is characterized by a distorted school pyramid,
5 The Education System
6 Challenges to the System High failure and dropout rates : From 1999 to 2003 the rate of failure was only reduced by 4% being 25% in 2003, where the failure rate is 26% in grade 1, 23% in grade 5, and 34% in grade 7. Increasing the number of schools: EP1 and EP2 schools are not enough. -High cost of school constructions. In 2000, about 25% of the classrooms were of precarious construction.
7 Challenges to the System Increasing the time in task: In the schools with three shifts, there are between 432 and 576 hours of time in task. The two shifts schools, there are 720 hours of time in task. Incomplete Schools: EP1 schools without five classes. Primary schools without 7 classes. Shortage of EP2 Schools. Teacher training : About 1,000 teachers for EP1 are trained every year. The National System is in need of teachers annually. As a consequence Ministry of Education is forced to contract untrained teachers
8 Challenges to the System Impact of HIV/AIDS : The prevalence of HIV/AIDS will increase from 14.5% in 2002 to approximately 17%, in MINED drafted a strategy to fight HIV amongst teachers with the view of reducing the levels of transmission of the disease. The HIV/SIDA, amongst teachers and students has the following consequences: -Absenteeism due to sick teachers; -Increase of death rate amongst teachers; -Increase of number of orphan pupils in need of help.
9 Challenges to the System Introduction of the new curriculum -The new curriculum introduces new subjects. It also introduces bilingual education that will allow the reduction of the linguistic shock. -It is expected that the new approach will allow the reduction of pupils repeating in schools, increasing thus the success of school achievement. -New pupil and teacher’s manuals were produced Teacher and Trainers training: A large number of teacher trainers lack specific training for basic education.
10 Challenges to the System In 2003, 42.3% in EP1, and 34.7% EP2 lacked professional training. If measures are not taken the number of untrained teachers can reach 62% in Basic teaching-Learning materials : Teachers have access to teachers’ manual and pupils’ book distributed to all 7 classes of Primary Education were each pupil receives one book for each subject. System of continuous assessment and evaluation of the quality of education : The assessment regulation for primary education was revised with the view of meeting the objectives, and the system of progression
11 Challenges to the System Direct Support to Schools. In 2003 a program called DSS (Direct Support to Schools) was established in order to allocate funds to EP1 and Complete schools, for the acquisition of basic learning materials. A program for the revision of the system of assessment of MINED is underway. Capacity building : Between 2002 and 2003 most of the school headmasters were trained. It is necessary to train the technicians from District and provincial Directorates of Education.
12 System for teacher’s allocation
13 “AGEPA” PROJECT The main objective is to improve the management of schools and assuring efficiency and efficacy of primary schools with the ultimate objective of reducing failures and increasing retention and conclusion rates in Primary Schools The Strategy is: –to improve the existing institutional management mechanisms for all actors of education at all level. –Identify direct and supervision activities of each actor of education; –Produce verification instruments for these activities; –Identify who control these activities and outline actions for improvement
14 “AGEPA” PROJECT The actors of education and their instruments are: The Teacher, which instruments to control his activities are: -Attendance Book ; -Teacher’s book to assess pupils; The School headmaster which instruments are: -Plan of the School -General Regulation of the Primary Schools -Internal regulation of the School -Ministry Instructions -New book of administration and management of School (OAE)
15 “AGEPA” PROJECT District Director with the main instruments: -Document in support of equity allocation of teachers -Book of Management and administration of schools in the district (OAED). The Provincial Director is responsible of education in his province National Directors are responsible of the system at the central level.
16 New instruments designed OAE (School Organisation and Management); OAED (Administrative Organisation of School in the District); New System for collecting statistical information: The system allow the Ministry to create graphs and tables for each level of education, analyze the information to support decision makers.
17 Sample of data analyzes
18 Action Plan NºResultsActivitiesSpecific TasksDeadlines 1Main activities identified Identification of activitiesMeetings with headmasters Harmonization meetings October Instruments designedDesign of InstrumentsMeetings with Headmasters October Capacity-buildingCapacity-Building for education actors Seminars Capacity-Building Plan December AGEPA project assured Instruments productionTypography Revision January Report of Project Implementation Project TestingNew Instruments Implemented Supervision February Project evaluated and institutionalised Evaluation and institutionalisation of New instruments Designing of RulesDecember 2005
19 The End The Mozambican Team November 2004