J. Pedersen EN DSO
Performance Scientific performance Measurable, reproducible, controllable: Documented presence! Technical performance Measurable, reproducible,controllable: Documented presence! Safety performance Estimated consequences, singular events, documented effort, documented absence
Safety Performance Good Safety Performance means not only absence of accidents, but also contributes to absence of incidents: Stops or perturbations of operation Damage to equipment or installations Accidents may mean absence of dearly needed specialists for a shorter or longer time. Good Safety Performance contributes to good Operational Performance, Scientific and technical.
Safety Performance Efforts must be documented: To prove the understanding of the problem To be able to communicate the solutions To be able to continuously improve the solutions To be able to prove conformity to anyone enquiring This documentation is the Safety File
Safety File A & T sector Quality Assurance: How to structure and how to use a safety file. All Projects shall have a safety file Major input from project teams, support from SO’s and HSE Reviews by HSE. (QA) Not on form but on content. In the EN department: A method for setting up a safety file exists, and should be adhered to; a.f.a.a.a.r.
Safety Coordination The team of Safety Coordinators in EN look after: Work site safety They check Co-activities and Mode operatoire They check that the workers wear their PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) They are aware of the planning They respect your work, so kindly respect their.
Initial Inspections Initial inspections Technical installations should not be commissioned without a prior, initial inspection, verifying conformity. This is not possible in all trades. Wherever it is possible this principle should be respected.
General safety inspections Building and Infrastructure The consolidation shall take into account the remarks of the General Safety inspection reports over the later years. The groups dealing with these aspects are invited to contact the DGS/SEE group to obtain all relevant information.
Regulatory equipment inspections Technical systems subject to regulatory technical inspections: Electrical installations Hoisting equipment Pressure vessels Safety valves The owner of the equipment is expected to take action to correct any non-conformities, mentioned in the inspection reports.
Fire hazards The consolidation shall take all possible steps to reduce the fire load in the building. In particular the experimental huts shall conform. The building may contain ancient cables, not respecting the IS 23. The consolidation project is invited to remove as many unneccesary cables as possible. Correct storage facilities shall be available for all inflammable substances
Access All doors equipped with card readers, requiring Dosimeters for access. General approach for Radiation Classified areas (As for f.ex. EHN1, AD)
Buffer zone/TREC The east area will be equipped with a so-called buffer zone where equipment can be left until it has been controlled by DGS/RP. The buffer zone will be equipped with the TREC tracing system.
Local storage/Hazardous substances An area of local storage shall be organised, permitting correct storage and separation of substances. In particular sufficient storage space shall be available for hazardous substances. See HSE referential.
Housekeeping Quality of work, safe work and good order go together. The consolidation of the building shall allow for good housekeeping in terms of working conditions, storage and general space
Environment If excavation is made in the perimeter of the registered polluted site, special measures have to be taken to check if the ground or excavated material are polluted or not
Environment Air emissions (Conventionnal): Min. 2 m above roof. Retention must be available for all effluents that require so. Retention must also be available for all hazardous substances stored Consider a waste sorting point inside the hall. The building envelope is hopelessly obsolete from a heating and lighting point of view. The lighting system should be renovated